Chapter 7: I have an idea.

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Third Person POV
Lydia ran like never before. She ran, she bumped into people, she scram for Bellamy and Clarke. Lydia saw them both coming out of Clarke's tent, half undressed, with crazy eyes. She knew what they had been doing, she knew it. And so she smiled. She run faster than she thought she was and therefore she kinda tackled the both of them into the ground. Some guy roll her eyes and said lowly. "Psyco."
"What the fuck?" Bellamy practically screamed in Lydia's ear.
"Grounder?" Jasper came around and saw the three on the ground.
"No! No! That would be better." Lydia whispered the last part.
"I'm guessing we have to talk, don't we?" Clarke rolled her eyes.
"Yes, but half of our problems are solved." Lydia looked at the couple who blushed deep red. "On that note... I'm sorry."
"We all said somethings that hurt, but now we're better." Clarke said.
"Whatever you say, princess." Bellamy rolled his eyes, which earned him a smack from the both of them.
"Leader's tent in five. I have something to show to you." Lydia said before running off to the gate.

Neither of them couldn't wait to meet, so the three of them were there not a minute after the encounter.
"The thing is... after the whole fiasco of Mark, our leading skills went uhh shit faced." Lydia spoke cluching the letter.
"Right, we've making bad calls, so what? Every leader has those faults." Bellamy sat down slowly.
"Bad calls? Bellamy, if you haven't noticed the whole camp is falling apart." Clarke argued back, sitting on the other side of the table, which left Lydia in the middle as always.
"Clarke..." Bellamy warned.
"Bellamy." Clarke warned back.
"Stop. This is what the Council wants. For us to destroy ourselves so they don't have to do it." Lydia's voice sounded strong and not as broken as she felt.
"What the Council wants?" Bellamy looked curiously at Lydia, and she threw the letter at them. For one they both stod in the middle, and read it together. Lydia smiled, they were making process.
"He... bastard." Clarke let go of the letter.
"They want this. We should give them, what they want." Bellamy threw the piece of paper back at Lydia.
"We should let them, us, destroy this? Take the 100, put them in cells again?" Lydia stod up and pushed his back, Clarke took her arm so she wouldn't do anything.
"That's not what I'm saying. All I'm saying is let them take control or try to take control." Bellamy had the same face he had the day of the wristbands. He wanted blood and he was going to get.
"I've got an idea." Clarke said and to say that Bellamy never smiled brightest.
"Tell us." Clarke and Lydia smirked at the same time.

Not two days later, the whole camp was in ruins, the Council had interviened, sended Mark as a barganing tool. Lydia was stunned at first but then she realized it wasn't worth it.
"I want to talk to Lydia," his words hurt but she masked it well. Everybody looked it her... scared almost.
"Yes?" she stepped to the front, a blank canvas.
"The camps a mess, everyone does what they want. The Council wants you all aprehended and taken care off."
"True and true. But wait we did that before... oh that's right. When the grounders attacked. And we are fine now," she heard something behind her.
"Yes but the Council is here now and they want order."
"Order doesn't count here. We rule," she pointed to Bellamy and Clarke, "And we're fine."
"I tried to reason with you, no sense.
Fine, aprehend them, now."

Lydia's POV
They were walking right into their trap, they all fought. But she ran. That was the plan, that they couldn't get to her. She ran to the grounder. The one she bad been spending night with. Not sleeping together just sleeping, in the most innocent way possible. They tried to grab her, but she ran, she kick, and she hid, she knew the woods better than anyone and she had arrived.
"Lydia!" Hodson ran towards her.
"Hud..." she smiled, and went right into his arms.
"Are you okay?"
"Minty," she smiled. But when he put his hands around waist, she flinched.

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