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"Having been a storyteller for years you'd think I'd be able to come up with plenty of ideas on the spot but this time I'm stumped.
How do you write a biography? What makes me interesting? Him." He thought
"How we met" he typed out.
A soft blizzard had hit the city, leaving Kier trapped in the library he worked in. Although not mad about it, he wasn't exactly thrilled. As the weather seemingly let up he sat on the windowsill, looking at the snow beam as the sun reflected off of it.

Putting on his jacket he got up and walked to a store down the road, he could feel himself growing increasingly tired.

He didn't believe in the superstitions of feeling weather but he seemed rather exhausted every time a snow storm came around.

He decided to spend his money wisely, choosing foods and drinks that could last him a long snow storm. Returning back to the store he went to the break room and started brewing some coffee and putting the food up.

When it finished he walked into the store and grabbed a book off of the shelf.

Taking a sip of the coffee, he opened the book and let his eyes scan the words. Enthralled by the story he didn't seem to hear the door swing open until a cold breeze hit him. "Oh god, I'm so sorry." The man said, closing the door quickly.

Kier looked up from the book, recognizing but not quite sure where he'd heard the voice from. "Are you okay?" Kier asked tilting his head. "Yeah just cold, the storm is starting again." He answered.

He saw blue eyes.

He shrugged off the familiar feeling and stared as the person walked more in the store. "It's getting pretty bad out there, maybe you should get back to your family." Kier commented, looking down at his book again.

"Oh god if only you knew," he yelled back, grabbing a book and sitting in a chair in the corner of the store. He shrugged and continued to read his book.

But he couldn't.

He was curious, this stranger with alluring blue eyes, seemed to just randomly waltz in.

He looked out the window. Stared out the window.

It only just begun to snow.
"It was such a cliche meeting" He chuckled as the memories flooded back to him.
"This sort of thing happens in books, the same books we grew to love. The same books I write." He took his hand off the keyboard.

"God I miss him"

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