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I am just absolutely floored by how utterly out of NOWHERE this is. No one was expecting this. No one asked for this. And then all of a sudden, A WHOLE ASS MOVIE TRAILER, NOT A DINKY LITTLE TEASER gets dropped for not one, but TWO live action FMA movies coming out THIS YEAR. When I tell you my jaw hit the FLOOR when I saw this on tumblr

- I find it so funny how they were like "let's put in all the characters that made everyone mad that they weren't in the first movie!" First of all, they are hyping Scar up BIG for the second film (he's one of the first characters you see in the trailer and easily the most heavily featured new one), to the point that the second movie is titled "The Avenger Scar" (the third is called The Last Transmutation which is admittedly a great title)

- Holy crap they are bringing in EVERYBODY. (Except Armstrong and May apparently? smh) But we are getting Furher Bradley. We are getting Hohenheim. We are getting Olivier. We are getting Kimblee. We are getting GOSHDANG LING AND LAN FAN WHAT EVEN IS MY LIFE RIGHT NOW. (And supposedly Izumi too though she wasn't in the trailer) Admittedly they are all shown very quickly in dim lighting so I don't really have strong opinions on how they look at the moment, I think Bradley at least looks okay but why does Ling look more Caucasian than the characters who are supposed to be white

- Well I do think they listened to the people who didn't like Ed's wig... it does look more natural but also less like Edward sadly

- hire a new voice for Alphonse dear lord this guy is just not it anymore that "nii-san" was PALTRY

- There was no cheesy out of place jpop song in this one so that's a good sign! They definitely seem to be going the Two Towers route with this sequel, it feels rightfully grim and epic and I think the effects have improved if only slightly...

- For better or worse, we will be getting some of my FAVORITE scenes in the entire series. Ling and Bradley's duel, Winry's confrontation with Scar, Hohenheim's backstory... I'm especially VERY interested to see what they do with Ishval. Flashbacks to the war take up a really significant portion of the trailer and from what I see it actually looks somewhat promising from a visual and acting standpoint (but for the love of God please give me more Riza than just the one shot of her we got in the trailer implies)

- Honestly, even though there's a very good chance this movie will suck like the first one did (I cannot emphasize enough the fact that NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS), I'm actually... kind of really excited? Like... what if it's better? And even if it isn't, it's something NEW in this fandom after lord knows how long! If nothing else, it gives this content starved community something HUGE to talk about for a change, and hey, if it sucks, then I will have an absolute blast roasting it and annoying the crap out of my parents. I actually think I'll watch these if they come out on streaming, even if they're garbage they'll at least be a blast to critique and it won't be a huge time investment like Hoedown Beepboop which I did not watch

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