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Su Mu sat on the dragon chair majestically, his mind gaze swept across the kneeling officials, before saying, "Rise."

"Thanking Your Royal Highness."

"Is there any matter of importance to report?" Su Mu's unhurried voice sounded in the great hall.

Yun Jing, hair silvery white and with a slow pace, came forward and said, "Your Highness, according to Your Highness's instructions, three more examination sites for agriculture, industry and commerce have been added to the autumn imperial examinations this year, but the chief examiner and the test questions have not yet been determined. Your Highness, please give your orders."

Su Mu tilted his head slightly and pondered: "Scholars, farmers, artisans and merchants. For the scholars, Ben Gong has explained earlier, Ben Gong doesn't want any people who just know to write fancy essays but people who can carry out practical things. Ben Gong will come up with this year's test questions."

Yun Jing was a little surprised. In recent years, Su Mu's reforms had taken drastic measures and almost cut down the entire bureaucratic system of the original Qing Kingdom. However, personally coming up with the test questions had not happened before. The officials all tried to guess the possible test questions based on Su Mu's previous behavior so as to provide advice for the younger generations at home.

Su Mu was not interested in the thoughts of the officials, and after a pause, he continued: "Considering the possibility of illiteracy among farmers, artisans and merchants, Ben Gong will send three book attendants to record at the same time, and the examiners must also be present as well."

After Yun Jing retreated, Shen Wei walked out of the queue of officials, and said with loud vigor: "Your Highness, the Shenwu General of the Shi Kingdom Duanmu Tie has been brought to the imperial city. Please decide what to do next, Your Highness."



What to do next? Su Mu frowned and asked the officials below: "What do my officials think is an appropriate action to take?"

It would be a shame to just kill Shi Ran's vanguard general in this way.

Lin Siyuan, who was at the end of the queue, looked around and then walked out with lowered eyes: "The Shenwu General of the Shi Kingdom possesses impressive martial arts and godly military talents. If he can be used by Your Highness, it will add to Your Highness's advantage as well as cause pain to the Emperor of Shi."

"Your Highness, this old minister thinks this is not appropriate, Duanmu Tie is a vulgar and unruly person, not a good choice for a general. Your Highness, please think about it carefully." Yuan Fulu's person was really like a round gourd, and as Su Mu listened to him he could not help but think about how much energy it would save the other if this person rolled out the main hall instead of walking out.

Su Mu had actually already made a decision in his heart, but he just wanted to probe the attitude of the officials. From the faces of these people, Su Mu could already make out most of their attitudes. When he saw someone else wanted to refute aa well, he waved his hand: "We'll discuss this matter another time, just lock him up for now."

Su Mu sat on the dragon chair and waited for the next report.

"En?" With some surprise, he watched the Astronomy Supervisor, who had been like a background prop the whole time, walk out tremblingly.

Su Mu still remembered the last time the Astronomy Supervisor spoke, and he seemed to have scolded him for something.

The Astronomy Supervisor, whose face was full of wrinkles, sighed in his heart. It was really more bitter than medicine! Last time, he was half beaten to death by the Crown Prince because he said that the day and time of the conferrence of the Crown Prince's Consort was unlucky, and also not telling the heavens and the ancestors was an unfaithful and unfilial act.

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