Crossdresser Enji AU- Edited

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@HonesyIsMyWeakness Art is not mine


Enjis mother never really like her son, he always wanted to wear dresses. Enji loved making dresses though  he never wore them in fear his mothers license would get revoked. So  Enji started to sew in secret and had been for a while. He had been fed up with his mothers shit and with her not letting him buy clothing he had decided to make them himself.

   Enji's pov

  I had just got the bra and underwear done and couldn't wait to try them on. Bang! Someone had broke down the door and I had hid the clothing and turned around. The LoV was staring at me. "Hi! So you have five minutes to put things in the bag to bring with you!" Toga had said in a hyper tone. "Don't even think about fighting back." Dabi had warned. Shit. I thought as I took the bag and had secretly put sewing thing and my cloths along with books to cover things up. "What now?" I asked in a rather calm tone. "Through the portal." Shigaraki said as he pointed at the portal. I growled as I went through and they followed.

  After a while they had gone to do something and it was quite peaceful so I started to continue to work on the dress it was coming along pretty well and I quite enjoyed it here though I hate the bed and hadn't gotten much sleep but they let me sleep and feed me so its pretty good. I was almost finished when I heard footsteps and had tried to hide the dress.

AfO pov

After kidnapping the number one pro it was relatively peaceful and he hadn't given us much of a problem and hadn't asked for much though I could tell he had not been getting much sleep. So I decided  to check up on him while the rest were out hopefully just getting something to eat. As I walked closer I could hear rustling and when I stopped he looked nervous then I caught a glimpse of something. "What's that?" I asked pointing at it. "Uh.. Um," He looked at the thing and stammered some more so I opened the cell door and went to the object and picked it up. "A dress?" I asked confused. "I- Uh Um." He stammered some more and i could tell he was scared. "You made this?" I asked and he looked done and mumbled a yes and I stood there in a shock. "Is it for yourself?" I asked and he looked shocked and shook his head yes. "Wow I didn't expect that... I want to see you in this." I said without realising I was talking out loud. He started to blush. "Y-You would?" He asked shocked.

    After a while he had walked out of the bathroom and looked at me. I was starstruck and I could feel my cheeks start to heat up and I looked away. "You look nice." I said slowly looking back him. "Really." He said in a cheerful tone. "Yeah." I said. We stared into each others eyes for a while his bright blue eyes staring into mine. I walked to him and held his face. "You look amazing in that dress." I said breaking the silence as I leaned in closer and so did he. Our lips brushed together and then before I knew it I had him pinned to the wall holding his leg up. We were making out when I had heard the door open and with us being in the living room I looked up."Woah! Holy mother of-" Shiggy had looked right then Dabi and Toga. Toga had gotten a picture of us right then and there. "Shit-" I mumbled and I looked back at Enji who had been blushing hard. He buried his head into my chest out of embarrassment. 

Enji pov

  I heard the camera sound and knew that someone had taken a picture. I looked up at All for One and buried my head in his chest. I felt the floor disappear from under me and I yelp out of surprise and looked up. He was carrying me I was about to yell at him when we sat down on the couch. 


Let me know if you want more of this and if so do you want smut, fluff or angst?

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