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Something while i work on the rest

 Enji woke up in a sweat, breathing heavy, and crying as always when he woke from his nightmares. He has been having them since his eldest died in the fire. He started having them because his own siblings died in a fire caused by their parents, and he couldn't save them. That's what the nightmares were about, him not being able to save his family. It has been years since the nightmares started, and they were getting worse as the anniversary of his siblings' death and his sons was coming up. They always got worse around those days, and there was nothing he could do to stop them. Enji had lost countless hours of sleep, so he would always get up and cook for his kids and leave a note saying Rei had done it. Then he'd leave to take a walk, then head to work. That was his everyday routine  so it was easy to do it all, but it wasn't at first.

  When he finally got to his office, he knew someone had broken in.  The door was never open. Enji was good with stealth, so it would be easy to sneak up on the people who broke in. Walking around, he didn't spot anybody until he got to his office he opened the door slightly and stopped dead in his tracks. The LoV. Why in the hell were they looking through his office, and what were they looking for? Enji watched in shock for another minute then walked in and cleared his throat, it made the LoV jump and turn around to stare at him, They sat in silence, mostly cause Enji was to tired to talk and was to worried that they had found the pills that the Commision gave to him. The LoV got into a fighting stance but Enij's body was to tired to fight, to even produce flames so he just move out the way of the door and told them to leave before he calls the other pros. The LoV stood in shock. This was not how they planned things to go. They knew that Enji was supposed to be at work by 8:00 am not 4:00 am and even if they were caught they expected a fight, none of what they thought was going to happen actually happened. "Is this some sort of trick?" Shigaraki asked. "No.. Now please just leave." Enji replied. The LoV should have just attacked him but they needed answers so Toga grabbed some files and left before Enji could grab them, then the rest left as well, all Enji could do is hope it didn't contain anything that had to do with the nightmares or pills or anything else. 

 Enji sighed as Hawks kept talking. He was put on protoling duty with Hawks. Enji wanted to go away. He wanted a good nights sleep, but he knew that that wouldn't happen, so he just listened to Hawks and walked. A robbery took place, but it was easy to take care of. He helped some children find their parents. After he went to the store bought hair dye and other things for himself then bought some things just incase the LoV broke in again, those things consisted of, food drinks, some gift cards and other things. Once he got home he put the things away and went to his room to change while he was changing he got a glimpse of himself in the mirror and sighed he didn't like what he saw he never did. He wanted to be a girl, but his parents wouldn't let him. His dad made sure he wore something to make him look masculine and always forced him to take pills. Thought he lost a lot of weight and other things he still couldn't handle his reflection, it made him sick and voices of his ex and parents always came back into his mind every damn time. Enji stared at the shattered mirror and finished changing. A light blue sweatshirt and some grey sweatpants, He put some food out for the kids then went back upstairs and layed down. Enji didn't realize he fell asleep until he woke up to a phone call. "Hello?" He answered the call. It was mom. After the call, he threw the phone. Of course, all his mom wanted was to make sure he was still doing his job and taking those damn pills. Enji lay back down after taking off his shirt, so all he was in was a sports bra. Enji hated everything. Nothing went well. Enji got up and made him some food. The kids must be staying elsewhere because the food was still there.  Enji couldn't keep his food down he never could. Enji went to the living room and sat down and stayed there for a while before he could doze off he heard something.

Ima make a part 2 because I'm already at 834 words.

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