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Everyone looked at Enji and then went back to their game. Izuku was still at UA and was supposed to be back by midnight. After 1 a.m., everyone went  to bed. Izuku didn't come home till around 3 a.m. witch was concerning. Kuri informed Izuku what had happened, leaving out many details. Izuku started yelling, and that caused Kuir to start yelling, causing Enji to have a nightmare and waking up. Enji listened to their argument for about half an hour, and then he went to the restroom with a bottle he stole from the hospital. He closed the door and used the drug. The drug calmed hus nerves so he'd be able to sleep better.

  The week day went by pretty quick, but Enji things would go sideways sooner or later. As he suspected it did. The pros had found them in an alley way near UA. Enji hid behind Izuku without thinking. Izuku grabbed Enji and ran before they got caught. The two of them hid between some walls. It was very cramped, but they would have to make it due until Kuri could open a warp. Izuku looked at Enji and noticed he was high alert, very high alert. He knew why. He was high on a drug that made  you more aware than normally. Izuku wasn't happy with this, so he grabbed Enjis chin, making him look at Izuku. Izuku searched his face, making sure he was on a drug before asking. "Does anyone know you're on a drug." Enji froze making eye contact with Izuku. He got his answer. Izuku growled. "Why?" Izuku asked. "I-I." Enji was shocked he wasn't suspecting this. Izuku itarigated him until Kuri opened the portal, causing Enji to fall on Izuku. "Ow!" Izuku yelled. "Sorry!" Enji said, standing up and rushing off.

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