•Notes and all that jazz•

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Well, hello there fellow reader and traveler of worlds. I hope you're doing well despite these horrid days of isolation and (possible) conflict.

Welcome to another world where in you'll discover even many more worlds😆. May you find something of value in this humble rough draft of something I've polished through the years. (It's predecessor being the now scrapped The Rose's Fate).

Something of note though is that I currently have no fixed schedule and only work on this during free time or if inspiration strikes. I come with MAJOR CLIFFHANGERS, constant chapter editing and long waiting time for updates. Haha of course, if you choose to stay, Ill be happy🥳. 

I write for the purpose of writing and releasing my pent up creativity. Any constructive criticism either positive or negative geared towards my writing (grammar, choice of words, spelling, etc.) are always welcome so long as they come with RESPECT.

Now then, shall we go ahead to Aetheria?


Aetheria: SilvanniaWhere stories live. Discover now