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This is a world where everything is not what it seems, a world filled with unimaginable sights and wonders. A world where gods lie hidden under everyone's sights, a world where darkness is hidden yet seen so transparently. This is the first lifetime of one of the most powerful gods, the Goddess of Realms, Silvannia and the prelude of everything...


“Silvannia! Put your back to it! Yes, that’s correct! Swing your sword with precision! With absolute strength comes victory!”

I don’t know nor remember how many times I’ve heard those words over and over again in the long span of my life. And how many millions of times I’ve swung my sword in the many battles I had fought and won. Yet, despite it all it seems that it wasn’t nearly enough.

Looking with a blank face at the opponent before me, I felt a slight anger yet it quickly dissipated. The person in front of me was my training instructor and Uncle, the God of War, Milheld. I don’t even know why until now I still had to have an instructor when I’m already the commanding general of my own army of celestians and adding the fact that I’m a goddess as well.

I swung my broadsword with great precision and power, bringing forth bursting beautiful crystals and an undeniable chill. It represented my repressed emotions that wasn’t visible in my blank face devoid of emotions.

Clearly, my uncle was shocked. Being the God of War, my uncle was one of the best fighters in the entire three realms of Aetheria. Yet, at the sight of my powers he was shocked stiff, almost forgetting to dodge.

“Y-you…how did you grow so powerful in just a hundred years?”

I raised my brow a little at the sight of his stiffened face. It was already two hundred years since I was born. And normally, I wouldn't be able to beat this ancient relic.

“You seem to have forgotten, uncle. I’m the Goddess of Realms, it isn’t that surprising.”

After saying that, I turned around and gripped the precious broadsword in my hands. As I slowly let it disappear, storing it into my soul space for future use.


This world… its name is Aetheria. A world divided into three dimensions and each dimension having innumerable realms in it. You can imagine this world as a tree with the lowest realm, Astia as the root, the middle realm Fiore as the trunk, and the High realm Celeste as the leaves.

In Astia, lies the realms where the weakest, beings with no magical powers reside. Humans, beasts with no consciousness and basically ordinary beings far from the word ‘abnormal’ live there. Yet even though it is the weakest of the three dimensions, it also has the most advanced technology there is. Instead of having the powers able to manipulate mana, they use the power of technological advancement to equip themselves in order to not lose to the upper dimensions.

Fiore is where magic and power dwells. The realms in this dimension are filled with mythological creatures abundant of the different elements. It holds the beauty of nature and has the most abundant magical properties, making the inhabitants able to manipulate the elements of their free will.

Lastly, there’s Celeste, the Home of the Gods. Here, the inhabitants don’t need mana, nor do they need technology. They had wings spanning from a single pair to three pairs, the more pairs of wings one has, the more powerful and the heavier the responsibilities. They rely solely on their inherent powers and abilities. This dimension may seem like a paradise for it’s unmatched beauty yet in here, also lies the most heaviest of responsibilities. For in Celeste, everyone has a duty they must accomplish until the day their soul dissipates and comes back to their maker, Adonai, The God of All. And one of these responsibilities belonged to me, Silvania Aurora Freinch, The Goddess of Realms. The one who makes sure that the three dimensions and all it’s realms remain intact and undisturbed by any foreign force trying to set everything into disorder…


I'm planning to make this story short about 20-30 chapters at most cause this is a series after all and a very long one at that TT^TT. My brain is brimming with ideas and the world of Aetheria is an extremely vast and complex one. Even I, as the author don't know the extent of this world’s vastness. Just enjoy the ride along with me :D.

Aetheria: SilvanniaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang