Chapter 12

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"So what are you gonna do now?" I asked her. As the one who had already investigated about such matters, it is inevitable that the responsibility of reporting fell unto her hands.

Mathilda was broken out of her thoughts as well, looking slowly at me with a pained and mostly frustrated expression, "

"I guess I still need to pass on the report...ugh. I really hate this." She said with a groan, kneading her forehead and afterwards sleeking her dark blue hair away from her face.

I smiled comfortingly and patted her on the shoulder. "I'm sure that no matter how hard it is to accept the truth, our parents aren't stupid. They'd do things that are beneficial for the empire and for the entirety of Aetheria, no matter what details their decision might entail."

She sighed deeply and smiled at me. "You're right. It isn't my place to worry about it this much. I did my part in contributing important Intel. It's up to the rulers to decide the final verdict. Now then, it seems i've disturbed you long enough. The others (other siblings) aren't home at the moment so you are the only one I found to seek advice."

I laughed gently. "It's no problem. It's also good to know what I'll potentially deal with in the council, if ever."

Mathilda smiled one last time before turning around and waving her hand goodbye.

Now then, time to take care of my matters as well.


Trailing my eyes over the familiar ornate walls and the intricately carved doors decorating the complicated halls and passageways of the castle, I made my way towards the nearly 5 meter long and 4 meters wide double doors at the end of a conspicuously wide hallway. They were made with the sturdiest wood and lined with gold patters centering the insignia of the Freinch Imperial Court.

At the sight of me, the two uniformed Imperial guards bowed in salute as they opened the heavy doors for me.

As soon as I entered, a wide carpeted hall greeted me. On the walls hung portraits of current imperial ministers and nobles part of the Freinch Empire and directly facing me was my family's portrait.

I sighed and smiled. It has been a while since I've been here. But thinking about the recent news from Mathilda, I can't help but smile ruefully once again. A feeling of vague resignation and helplessness passed but I immediately dismissed it. Feelings are nothing when faced with the harsh realities of current events.

I fascened my gloves as a means of mental preparation. I then looked at the right corridor and with the muffled sound of my footsteps, I headed towards the secluded meeting room for the empire's council of ministers.

A few meters before I could reach the entrance to the meeting room, I heard faint sounds of people in a heated argument. Even the room's soundproofing couldn't prevent the sound from leaking out.

"What do you mean everything's fine?! Everything's ruined! Ruined, I say!"

"Just shut up, will you?! It was your fault the plan in Maritimum went haywire. Your screaming does no help in resolving this!"

My mouth twitched. I had a hunch they were talking about the mass arrests in Maritimum. If that was indeed the case, I couldn't help but gloat inside. However, it seems that the thick faces of these people didn't hold them back in discussing plans directly in the council's meeting room.

The slight sound of my books and the clanging sound of the metal accessories in my armor was a bit out of place amidst the enraged voiced inside the room and it wasn't until I was a step away from the entrance door that they noticed me.

The silence was deafening.

I knocked twice and then opened the doors. I looked around the room and the way they looked at me like a deer caught in headlights was a sight to behold. I held my laughter and maintained a poker face, which was admittedly hard to do when faced with this kind of situation.

It was after a few seconds of awkward silence before someone stepped up to break the strange atmosphere.

It was my uncle, Grand Duke Fredrick.

"Silvannia, what brings you here?" Fredrick asked while clearing his throat. His eyes stared straight into mine, feigning a look of benevolence and doting.

With the things he has done against the empire, and not to mention I held higher standing than him, he no longer deserves to call me by name. Sarcastically praising him for his shamelessness in my mind, I decided not to expose them outright. After all, it was best not to startle the snake before everything was reported and confirmed.

I raised my gaze towards the people in the room. Most of them looked familiar for they were nobles ranging from counts to marquesses. They physically looked middle aged except for one who had a long white beard and looking like those wizards found in the lower dimensions. I consciously took note of this person.

The silence as I observed the room made the men who were centuries older than me tense which was a bit funny. Huh. Who knew they still had fear.

"I'm here to see Kai. Where is he?"

Hearing my inquiry, most of the people in the room breathed a sigh of relief. I scoffed internally.

"Your highness, as you can see, he isn't present at the moment. I've heard that he has been summoned to the military barracks. Perhaps you'll find him there."

I nodded. "I see. I'm sorry to have disturbed your 'gathering'. I'll be on my way then." I immediately turned around and left the room, closing the door as I went. It was true that I came to find my cousin Kai since he frequents this place due to the nature of his job. Though I must admit it the slight information I gained was a pleasant surprise.

In preparation for my departure together with the other gods in the council, I needed to talk to my adjutant and cousin Kai since I need to pass on things he's need in the army while I'm gone. This includes countermeasures in case something unexpected happens.

The meeting room for the Imperial Court was located in the east wing of the castle in order to be the first to get ample sunlight in the morning. And because of this, the training field and the military barracks weren't too far away.

I revealed my wings and flew with momentum towards the wide grasslands, revealing the scenery of soldiers and knights in training. I gradually made my descent a few meters away from the barracks entrance and breathed a sigh.

The soft and springy touch of the grass underneath my boots and the glaring heat of the sun's rays greeted me as I stepped into one of the training fields of Freinch's army, specifically, my own army of about 50,000 elite men and women. And not far from where I stood, sounds of metal clanging and shouts of both battle and cheering were heard. It made me smile remembering times when I was still in training a hundred or so years ago and the few instances I sparred with the soldiers.

"You're highness, you're back! I heard you went to Malhia for a while. How was your trip?"

I smiled at the incoming soldier in greeting as I went with him to see the rest of them.

"My trip to Malhia went fine. There were some other things but all I can say is that there might be more work for all of us."

The soldier, named Marius, groaned aloud. He was also a frequent member of the recent ten-year expedition due to his tenacious spirit and strength. It seemed that the thought of a potentially heard mission made him tired just thinking about it.

"I wish such tiring work would cease for another year or so. In that way, you can also rest, your highness."

I nodded and smiled at his sentiments. "Thank you for your concern, Marius. But think about it, more work means more pay, right?" I told him jokingly as I patted his shoulder, amused as he began to be sullen.

"Surely you jest, your highness."

At the sound of that voice, I turned around to find Kai slowly approaching, a hand in his trouser pocket and one hand holding a stack of papers.

Marius rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Of course her highness is joking. No amount of pay can compensate how much hard work each of us does everyday in Aetheria. Especially her highness."

I sighed. "All right, that's enough. Kai, I have something I want to relay to you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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