Chapter 6

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It was a few days after that strange encounter with Kienne. I still had some time before my departure towards the lower dimensions together with Alouence and because I knew that it would probably take us a few considerable years before we could come back to Celeste, I decided to visit my closest friend. God of Hope, Cessair Osiris vi Elpis Aldenine.

I knew Cessair since I was young. And because he wasn't the heir to the Aldenine Empire, he often chose to travel together with his uncle, who was my father's close friend. And due to that, we were were almost inseparable when we were children. During those times, I even thought that being with him all the time was quite pleasant. But alas, time moved forwards and both of our responsibilities increased, causing the both of us to barely see each other.

"Silvannia? What brings you here on the cold side of the north?" Cessair asked, his golden eyes wide and his handsome face sporting a huge grin. His long, silver waist-length hair was elegantly tied to a low ponytail with a golden ribbon whilst wearing a stylish ensemble of a formal black suit and a golden tie. He also had on a fur coat similarly lined with onyx and gold. Overall, he looked quite stylish.

I grinned seeing his reaction. "Long time, no see, Cessair." after saying that, he immediately engulfed me into a bear hug, like he always did back when we were still children. It was seen as strange that we grew quite close despite the distance between the borders of Freinch and the Aldenine Empire. But I've come to like him as a friend due to his pure white aura that had no traces of malice, far different from those who had strong auras yet the darkness brought on by living such a long time, lingered. It was one of the reasons I liked being his friend.

After some time, he then let go of me and led me to the sitting room that had hot tea presented on the table . He then looked at me up and down, now frowning. Seeing that, I sighed knowing well what he'll probably say next. "You really never change. Armor? Even in visiting me? And good lord you still haven't changed the same style for over a hundred years now!" he asked and raised his brow.

I laughed awkwardly and scratched my cheek. Knowing this guy who is quite particular with clothing styles, he has long been frustrated with my "fashion sense". I knew that he would probably go on a long tirade about at least changing my armor style once in a while again so I decided to change the subject.

"Why haven't you gone back to the Celestial Palace lately? You didn't even attend the recent meeting." I asked while sipping on the Osmanthus tea*, which tasted florally and fruity at the same time. Cessair really knew my taste.

Cessair rolled his eyes, crossing his long legs and leaning his chin on the palm of his right hand. "You know how I hate those scheming bastards that are somehow part of the council. They act all high and mighty but with little to show for themselves."

I gazed at him as I sipped on the tea. He was frowning with a deep and contemplative expression on his face. Somehow, I had a vague idea as to what was on his mind. It seems like he already knew about the shady dealings of some members of the council.

"You mean Remy and his supporters?" I sighed. In fact, I also didn't like them. They were the typical hiding knives behind smiles, literally.

He nodded and ran his fingers through his hair, pushing back the stray strands framing his face. "Yeah. And besides, with the connections that I have, it's easy for me to just inquire about the meeting's proceedings and if information was really so confidential, I knew that even if I didn't go, you'd come and inform me yourself." he continued with a scheming smile, so unbefitting of his angelic face. Yet, the mischievous glint in his eyes did not clash with his appearance at all.

I laughed. I knew he was only joking but I also knew he was saying the truth. He even told me to stop being so diligent all the time and just do my best in resting rather than going to his territory just to deliver news myself when he can just go message Onomaterasu.

"I only do this because I also want to visit you. You just don't come up to the palace that often anymore and with the problems going on in Aetheria, it's difficult seeing you or other people in general now. Plus, I have a feeling we wouldn't get to see each other over a few hundred years when the mission given by the council starts. Given the different flow of time among different realms."

I told him and smiled ruefully. To be frank, i was feeling quite sad and not to mention weary. Maybe it's because of the uncanny instinct that something bad was bound to happen and the fact that the possibility of never seeing my best friend again was high.

He sighed. "Yes, I suppose you're right." he replied, looking down with a somber expression.

Perhaps he noticed the expression on my face, he stood up from the seat opposite from mine and moved right next to me. I was surprised when he suddenly pulled me in for a hug but I immediately relaxed feeling his warmth.

"You're thinking about the possibility of not being able to come back are you?"

I looked at him, surprised that he knew. Upon looking at his golden eyes, I saw indistinct pain and heartbreak.


"You knew? About the true state of Aetheria?" I asked him as I leaned on his shoulder, sighing.

He pat the back on my head and sighed once more and this time, it sounded even more heartbreaking. "Yes." ah, after all...he always had ways of gathering information.

I separated myself from him for a bit and smiled comfortingly. "Cessair, no matter what happens, even if I have to sacrifice my life for the realms, remember to take care of yourself alright?"

I saw his expression darken and his jaw clenched. He looked angry yet the despair in his eyes was apparent. I hated seeing him like this yet both of us knew the future that lay ahead. The realms are slowly dying one by one and if the worst case scenario comes, my life would be used as sacrifice to stabilize everything, as cruel as it may seem.

"Silvannia, you are really cruel to yourself. Why is it that you think of others before your very own well-being?" hearing his voice hoarse and feeling him tighten his arms, I hugged him back in comfort.

"Silvannia, you have my word. Even if the world forgets about you, I would not. Even if all backs have turned against you, mark my words, I would not. I, Cessair Osiris vi Elpis Aldenine swear on the name of the Almighty God, Adonai." he swore as he held my hand and gazed back at me.

I smiled and laughed a little, wiping his cheek wet with tears. I was moved immensely for this man really cared for me and having him as a precious friend was a great blessing in this very long and tedious life. "Thank you, Cessair."



"Are you really alright with marrying considering the circumstances?"

At his question, I looked down and sighed, realizing he already knew despite the engagement being unannounced. "To be honest, I'm really not quite sure anymore. I would be lying if I said I don't mind it but it also doesn't feel right to say that I do mind. At the moment, I feel quite distant to the reality that I'm bound to be married to someone so soon especially with the uncertain circumstances surrounding the entirety of Aetheria. Yet, I can't say I detest it either. It just feels inevitable somehow."

I heard him sigh beside me and after that, silence took over, enveloping the thoughts that lingered through our hearts and minds.

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