Chapter 11

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Incredibly sorry for the delay in updates :<

Previously, on the last chapter...

"Ha! They really outdid themselves with their shamelessness this time!" I said with gritted teeth, trying my best to contain my rage as the so-called 'out of this world product got introduced on stage.

They were infant faeries of the middle dimension, Fiore...


"It really hits different when you see it personally." my brother said with a frown, focusing his gaze on the stage.

I sighed, my anger slowly turning to calm. It's clear that the reason why infant faeries were the ones auctioned instead of adult ones is that they were easier to transport and the benefits gained if one trained them until adulthood. Faeries are creatures with great affinity towards the elements and having them means to have the elements in the palm of one's hands. The most sought after would be the faeries of wood, whom are particularly useful for the advancements of both alchemists and pharmacists; the faeries of fire and earth, of whom are useful for weapon forgers and lastly, there are faeries of the wind, used for fast-paced travel.

But even though faeries have their perceived usefulness in the eyes of others, directly or indirectly disturbing and outright harming them can cause irreversible instability and damage to the balance of the realms.

I sighed before remembering that my brother touched the communication device on his ear earlier, a sign he has already made his move. I turn towards him and asked, "Are the troops ready?"

He nodded. "Yes. they've surrounded the whole area as we speak."

I took a deep breath as I scoured my perception to make sure nothing was amiss with the pre-positioned gateways I've opened before we came here.

"The gateways are also ready in case something goes wrong." I said, immediately changing out of my present clothes and into my armor.

"Let's start."

My brother nodded, changing into his armor as well.

We then teleported out of the booth and directly into the stage below us. As soon as we landed it was clear that everyone immediately went on a frenzy, clamoring to get out once they saw the insignia of the Freinch Empire on our armor.

I hurriedly activated my perception to secure the infants and made sure that they were all safe while simultaneously casting a web of seals all over the place to make sure none of the people here could escape.

I saw that my brother's men were already apprehending those who were trying to break through the seal that I made, there were also some people that remained calm and looked at us with undisguised hostility.

Sighing, I let out my wings together with my aura, displaying rank aggression and authority, as did my brother.

"A goddess! It's a goddess! We're doomed!" that was followed by wails of regret accompanied by expressions of dread. Although there were a rare few who his their emotions behind a blank face, their eyes could not hide the panic they felt inside. I even heard someone whisper, "Maybe she's one of them! If that's the case, aren't we technically allies?" that sentence made me want to laugh out loud!

In your dreams.


At the sound of my booming voice, all sounds immediately ceased which made me breathe an internal sigh of relief.

Nodding at my brother, I then stepped aside, allowing my brother to do his thing.

"By the order of the council of gods, the Freinch Imperial Court, as well as Malhia's Aristocratic Council, I hereby sentence everyone proven to be involved in this incident guilty of illegal trade, the facilitators of the auction sentenced for interrogation, and finally, the ones behind the scenes sentenced for trial in front of Celeste's Council of Gods."

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