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I walked into my appartement, boxes in my hand, Sav close behind me. We've been packing my things up all day, after Sav had needed full 20 minutes until she would let me actually start. She didn't want to let me move, because the restaurant we used to go to weekly wouldn't be exactly in the middle between our appartements. But we haven't been there in months and I'm sure we're gonna find a new tradition. Now that we've actually started packing, I noticed that there wasn't too much I needed to take with me. I set the boxes down and started unpacking the drawers in my room. 

"Hazel, come look.", Sav exclaimed, and I stopped to look over at her to see what she was holding in her hands. 

"I forgot about those. I don't want to take them with me, Ashton will think I'm weird.", I tell her, taking the folder from her hands. She had found my fangirl legacy. Yeah, sue me. I had a folder, with every little magazine article and picture, cut out, glued to the page, and topped off with the exact dates. 

"But you can't throw this away. This is years of work, might as well sell it now since you're known in the fandom. Or at least post some of it to twitter, Ash won't see all of it, but it's gonna be fun for the fans.", she suggested, and I told her, I'd think about it. I probably wouldn't be able to throw it away, like she said, it was years of work and basically my teenage years in one folder.

We continued to pack all of my stuff, bringing the boxes into the car Ashton had lend me once again. The boys were on a short trip, trying to get songwriting done without distractions. The tour was already planned to start in 6 months, and they still were missing two songs for the new album. They all seemed to have writer's block and going on vacation into the wooden cabin had worked before, so they were truly hoping it'd do the trick. Meanwhile Sav had taken the chance and momentarily moved into Ashton's and my home. I didn't complain though, I was looking forward to some girl's time, without one of the boys interrupting us.

It was already 8pm when we finally finished moving all of my things out of the appartement and into Ashton's house and we only started unpacking now, after ordering pizza and opening a bottle of wine I had found in Ashton's kitchen. I didn't expect to have so many things, but I guess I collected a lot of stuff over the years. Ashton had told me to just make space wherever I needed to, so we were currently moving clothes around, to make some room for my wardrobe. 

"Are you excited about the tour? I wouldn't want to share a tour bus with them for so many months.", Sav stated, and I laughed, knowing exactly what she meant. 

"It was alright the last time, and we're gonna have breaks where we'll stay in hotels. It'll be alright, I'm actually really excited to see them live so many times and capture their and the fans' energy." 

"Gotta love the tour life, I guess. I'll miss Calum but flying over a few times should get us through most of the tour.", she replied, and I nodded. We talked about Calum some more, and she told me that he had gone all out the other night and took her out on a date. She couldn't stop smiling while she told me that they went to some new restaurant and afterwards went for a walk on the beach including star gazing and skinny dipping. The last part was truly something only Sav would like and I'm glad she had found someone equally crazy to share those things with. Thinking about it, it seemed crazy that both of us had found love within this band. But I'm more than happy for the way things turned out.

After we both finished off the wine bottle together and two hours of unpacking, Sav had me finally convinced to take pictures and videos of my 5SOS folder and make a thread on Twitter, because I quote 'it will send the timeline into overdrive, they'll go crazy'. I'm fully aware that I wouldn't have agreed had I been sober, but it won't harm anyone, so I really didn't mind. 

"The timeline's gonna be a mess after this. It feels like a huge throwback.", I say, while finishing up the thread and tweeting it. 

"Now we wait.", Sav replied, standing up to get rid off the last empty boxes. I didn't expect unpacking to be so fun. We had some pizza, some wine, listened to all of 5SOS' discography and had the time of our lives dancing and singing along. I'm surprised we actually got anything done, but most of my things were at their respective places, making it feel a little more real that I moved in with him. I got pulled from my thoughts when my phone started ringing. Sav looked confused, but I just picked it up and looked at the caller ID. There's only a handful of people who'd call me at this time of day and all of them happen to be in the same band. I accepted the call, and four faces appeared on the screen. I motioned for Sav to come join me and turned on our camera as well. 

"Why did you decide killing our fans would be a good idea?", Michael asked, getting straight to it, but I could see the smile on all of their faces. 

"I didn't do something like that?", I asked, trying to play it off. We didn't check Twitter after I posted it, but to our defense, it had been 10 minutes. I didn't expect it to blow up like this, especially not at almost midnight. 

"The pictures you posted. Didn't think you were the hardcore fangirl type.", Luke added, smirking. 

"I was 16! Don't judge. Not everyone can play shows at that age and live the rockstar life." 

"Is there more to it?", Ashton now asked, fighting back the smile, raising his eyebrows. 

"There's a whole folder right here. Didn't expect it to make the timeline a complete mess.", Sav chimed in. Remind me to get her back for this. 

"It's been almost ten years, they're desperate for some nostalgia. Can't blame them, we want to look through it when we get back.", Ash replied, and he knew damn well I couldn't say no to him. 

"Fine, but no making fun of me. I was young, naïve, had a pair of scissors and a glue stick. You can't blame me!" They just laughed at my attempt of justifying my teenage self and told us they'd be back in a couple of days and to not burn down the house or get too wasted. As for that last part...too late. 

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