dance pt.2

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Star's pov//
Today was the day of the dance. I was really nervous. The flower and woodscouts were going to be there. I woke up later than Amelia like usual. I put my socks and shoes on and walk out. As soon as I stepped out the tent Tommy tackled me to the ground. "Tommy get off of me your fat butt is killing me!" I finally got her off and she started shaking me back and forward. "Bo told me that manny wants to dance with me at the dance!" I got her to lay off and then started to shake her. "I mean isn't that what the dance is about?" I asked her. "That's not what I'm worried about!" Tommy said. She then started to scratch the back of her head. "I think it's kinda cute!" She then said. I stood there silent.

Tommy's pov//
"Well what are you going to say?!" I said to her. "Well I don't know what to say!" She replied. Honestly I don't have a crush on star but she is a really cool and pretty person. She is my first and only best friend! If something were to EVER happen to her I would look for her until the day I die! I know I can tell her anything right? "Star I think I do have a crush on manny!" I told her. Star then grabbed my hand a started to shake it "oh I totally ship!" Star said. "Ok but who do I tell him?" I asked my bestie. She starts to push me into the mess hall and there he was, manny. "Just tell him and yeah!" She said. "It's not easy princess!" I told her. "I know I am a princess!" She replied. I elbowed her arm and she then push me closer to manny.

Manny's pov//
Tommy then kinda ran up to me but like she was pushed to go up to me. "Um hey Tommy are you okay?" "Okay?! Um no- I mean yes! Why wouldn't I be?" I stood up so then I could actually talk to her. "Tommy Is there something bothering you?" I asked her while placing my hands on my hips. "Uh n-no! I UGH WHY CAN'T I SPEAK!?" Tommy blurted out. She then ran to star and pushed her. "Well what was that for?" Asked star while taking a sip out of a caprimoon. "I HATE YOU STAR!" Tommy said while walking out the mess hall. "Tom wait!" Star said while chasing down Tommy.

Tommy's pov//
Soon enough I was running in the forest. And I didn't stop until I wasn't able to hear star. After a few seconds of panting and gasping for air I then heard her again so I ran. A few minutes later tears were streaming down my eyes and I couldn't see due to the tears filling my eyes. Once I couldn't see I tripped over something a branch maybe. I wiped my eyes and saw a bear. I knew that I woke up the bear and that bear was not excited about seeing me in it's presence. In fear I started to crawl back hoping it wouldn't come after me. It put its hand up and I instantly knew that this was the end.

Until it fell... I looked at it to see what it was as I was scanning it I could hear star say "Headshot!" I looked back to see manny holding a bow and star just dancing on a rock. I looked back at the bear but then it saw it. They used a knife for the arrow. I looked back at them star was smiling and manny was then dancing. I then started running again and again until the world disappeared.

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