the twins

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Manny's pov//
"Um that's a strong word manny um...goodnight manny!" Max said while walking out the tent. I sighed and turned my head to Tommy who was facing the wall.

Max's pov//
I walk into the counselors cabin to see neil and nikki watching a movie. I hop on my bed and take my shoes off. "Max..." nikki said. "Yeah?" I said. Nikki then tilts her head and says. "Your pj's!" Nikki said. I look down to see that my pajamas had big holes in them. I groaned knowing that this was my only pear and I wouldn't know what to do. Neil got up and threw an oversized shirt and some of my own shorts. "Wear that!" Neil said. I got up, thanked him and then ran to the bathroom. Not much things had changed about this camp but one thing. We now have running water!

Nikki's pov//
"Neil I have a feeling that we're in grave danger!" I said. "Nikki c'mon what can come after us!" Neil said. I mean he did have a point! We have a bigger and now stronger camp! I laied down and fell asleep. When I woke up it was silent. Neil and max were gone and so were the campers. I looked everywhere but no luck. I wanted to cry im not gonna lie. I sat down at the lake hoping that someone would come back.

Max's pov//
Neil wanted to go out for a hike and I agreed because there was nothing better to do. We left nik and started to wonder around. I was in charge of watching bo because that was the only easy thing to do. While Neil did everything else such as watching the other kids, making sure that everything was safe, and keeping the kids occupied. Then we heard something. "Guys what's that sound?" Asked allie. I told her that she was crazy but then I heard it. It sounded like a crazy laugh coming from a little girl. "Did you see that?!" Randy said. "What?" Neil asked. "Some girl in all white!" Randy said. "That sounds familiar don't you think neil?" I said.

Randy's pov//
The girl then jumped right infront of us and a boy joined in. They were both wearing white and had blonde hair with blue eyes. "Hellooo campers!" Said the girl. "I'm Daniella and this is my brother dan!" The girl said. Max ordered us to stay behind him. Allie grabbed my hand and started to squeeze it. I looked at allie and gave her a hug. "Oh don't be scared we just want you to feel safe!" Said dan. "Run." Max whispered. Without a second thought we all ran into different directions. Allie, bo, Amelia, and I were in our own group.

Juan's pov//
Sela, Sophia, and I were running together. "I can't run anymore! I'm tired!" Sophia said. I picked my little sister up and we kept running.

Manny's pov//
Tommy, star, some kids named Riley, Bryan, amber, Fernando, and I were running all together with neil. At some point Bryan and Riley got tired so neil was carrying them. "I can't run..." Tommy said. Of course I didn't leave her. I had her go on my back and we ran. It eventually got dark. "DAN'S CATCHING UP!" Fernando said. I started to feel weak... I started to slow down. Then our group stopped finally giving me some time to breathe. "The camp is right across!" Bryan said. "That means we're on spooky Island!" Neil said. I didn't know what that was but I couldn't give one fuck! Everyone got in the water and started to swim. I was weak and I knew I wouldn't be able to swim if I was weak. So I took Tommy off of me and told her to swim without me.

Tommy's pov//
"Hell no I'm not leaving you get on my back!" Manny got on my back and held on close to me. We got in the water and started swimming.

Sela's pov//
I saw some rocks piled up together like a grave but I also saw nikki sitting near the lake on the dock. "NIKKI!" Nikki looked to her right and saw us. She ran to us for a hug. And of course we hugged back!

Allie's pov//
When we were running we didn't even notice that had passed the back of the mess hall and was still running. Daniella is really good at park our though. I looked behind me to see dan just a few inches away from me. Before he could grab onto my hood randy pushed me infront more. I looked back to see dan pinning randy to the ground. "NO!" I screamed Amelia then grabbed my arm and we started to run more. "Amelia let go I won't let them hurt him!" I said. I've known randy ever since I was 2!(I'm 12) "allie sometimes it's best if you let go of something now hurry!" Amelia said. I was so pissed, did she not know that he's my best friend?! "No! I won't give up that easy!" I said while pulling my arm out of her grip. "Can you not see allie you almost died!" Said Amelia. "NO CAN YOU NOT SEE!? HE RISKED HIS LIFE FOR ME!" I said. "That's his problem!" I stood silent looked at the ground. "Uh...Allie?" I fell to the ground and started crying. "Allie you need to understand!" Amelia said. I can't believe she would let go of him so fast like that. "AMELIA YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND! EVERY DAY I TRY TO SEE THE GOOD IN YOU BUT NO! YOU NEVER CHANGE! YOUR JUST A LAZY, RUDE, DISAPPOINTMENT!"

Amelia's pov//
I have never seen allie like this. And she was right...I am a lazy, rude, disappointment. And it was my fault. Allie then ran back but I didn't bother to chase her. I sighed and walked into a random direction. A few minutes later I could see the dock. I felt happy but not happy enough to show it. I walked in the mess hall and everyone was there. When they saw my they all screamed my name. Nikki and neil ran to hug me and max ran to give me a pat on the back. "Hey where's allie and randy?" Asked max. When I heard Randy's name I bursted into tears. Nikki then hugged me again. "Aw I'm so sorry Amelia!" Nikki said. I hugged her back. Neil and max joined the hug and soon enough the whole camp was hugging.

Two weeks later bo's pov//
Two weeks past and the camp hasn't been the same. Nikki and Amelia would not get out. And everything was boring. All we did was wake up, eat breakfast, do an activity, and then sleep. Nothing interesting happened. And for the first time I felt bad for Amelia. Her only friends just died or atleast that's what we think...

Omg i literally wrote so much 😭 I can't. Now the word count is 1176!

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