Parents day!

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Just to tell you that this chapter is pretty long so you can skip it (there is 1328 words)!

Amber's pov//
The camp counselors called us over to the mess hall to say something. "Today is parents day today!" Neil said while putting his hands up in excitement. Bryan then groaned making me smile. "We called all your parents or graudians to come today!" Nikki said while putting her hands on her hips. Bryan then groaned more.

30 minutes later//
A light blue Cadillac then pulls up to the camp. We were all excited to see who's parent it was to the point where most of us started to scream. A woman with caramel brown hair and hazel eyes and a white button up shirt with jeans then walks out the car. She puts her hands up for a hug waiting for her kid or something to hug her. Riley then walks to her a hugs the woman "mom." Riley says in embarrassment. We all sarcastically clap and Riley then let's out a smile.

2 minutes later//
Riley and her mom were hanging out while the rest of us were still waiting

Manny's pov//
A green jeep then pulls up to the camp. A woman then jumped out the jeep. The woman had black hair. She wore a white summer dress and white boots. And then another woman comes out. She had red hair and green eyes. She wore a black long sleeved shirt with black jeans and was wearing some white sneakers. "Fernando!" Said the redhead lady. She then hugged Fernando. The lady with black hair then joined the hug.

3 minutes later//
Then a brown old Ford explorer came up. It had some Florida and Mexico stickers in the back. A tall man about nikki's height got out the car. He was wearing a brown- ish yellow-ish hat. He wore some camouflage pants and dark blue shirt with a wolf on the back. Sela, Juan, Sophia, and star came running to hug him. All of them were laughing and it kinda made me feel jealous. But kept it in. "So star is that your dad?" I asked star. "Yep!" She replied. I nodded my head and then said. "You look like him!" She then put on another dramatic scene to make Tommy laugh. "How. Dare. You!?" Star said. I then even giggled my-
Self. Her dad even let out a chuc- kle.

7 minutes later//
A pearl car then showed up. A girl with brown hair tied up in a ponytail with blue jean shorts and a pink top. "Where's my sis?" They girl asked. "Right here dick- head! I looked behind me to see Tommy. "Tommy come give your sister a hug!" The girl said. Tom- my then hid behind me. "FUCK OFF BITCH!" Tommy jokingly said while pointing at her sister. Tommy's sister sarcastically rolled her eyes and then flipped off Tommy. Tommy then fell to the ground acting like she was dying. Star let out a giggle and then poked tommy.

20 seconds later//
I black van pulled out and man stepped out. The man then ran to his child. We all saw him run to randy for a hug or atleast that's what randy wanted but the man carried randy. "Ok dad that's eno- ugh. Randy said. The dad then smiled at randy and placed him back on his feet. The man then smiled and hugged randy. "I missed you so much froggy!" The man said. "Froggy?" All of us questioned. Randy then groaned and claimed that it was his nickname. "No that's you middle name!" The dad said. Randy quickly shushed his father and then covered his dad. We all laughed even max did! "Dad do you ever not talk!" Randy said quietly but loud enough for all of us to hear.

3 minutes later//
A purple car with yellow stripes then pulls up. We all woahed at the car design. A woman with chestnut hair and green eyes then gets out the car. Allie ran to the car and hugged the woman. Nothing really happened then.

12 minutes later//
A mini light blue car then parks at the camp. Bo runs to the car and tries to open the car but he couldn't due to the fact that he's short. The car door opened really fast and bo couldn't dodge the car door in time. "Where's my neph- ew?" The man asked. "Um i believe that's your nephew!" Tommy pointed at bo laying on the ground. "Oh buddy I didn't see you there!" The man said. I mean of course you didn't bo is the literal definition of a miget. The man picked up his short nephew and tried to get him back up on his feet.

2 minutes later//
A white car pulls up and an old woman walks out the car. Bryan then runs up to her to help her walk. I'm guessing that was his grandma. "Aw thank you mi bryan!" They old lady said. Bryan's grandma then started to tug on his skin.

2 hours later//
my parents were still not here. And I was glad. Nikki was waiting with me and in the mean time we were putting puzzles together. "MANNY YOUR PARENTS ARE HERE!" I froze..."well c'mon manny what are you waiting for?" Nikki asked. "I don't want to nikki!" I said. She held my hand and lead me out the mess hall where we were putting out puzzles together. Both of my parents were there. "Aw manny come give your mommy and dad a hug!" My mom said. I started walking to them. I hugged them both and again that's where a felt a knife just stabbing me in the back. But I'm used to it so it didn't hurt much anymore. "Smile you mistake!" My dad whispered to my ear while hugging. I put on a fake smile like always.

"Well we'll leave you three alone now!" Nikki said while dragging max and neil to the mess hall. "Manny do you like anyone?" My mom said. "Well I like this boy-" and then my dad slapped me. I then noticed what I just said and the corrected myself. "I mean girl I'm sorry!" I said while rubbing the part my dad had slapped me on. "Good, my reputation would be completely ruined if you were gay!" My mom said. My dad also agreed with my mom. That's all they care about, their reputation. Not even their son. I sighed and nodded my head. I looked at the other kids and they were happy and smiling. "What are you looking at d¡ckhead!?" My mom asked. "Uh- nothing!" I said. "Do you think we aren't good enough for you?!" My dad asked. I shook my head in fear. "I'll be right back darling!" My dad said.

Once he came back he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the lake. "So you want to be happy!?" My dad said. "I-I" ny dad then interrupted me with a slap on my face. I then fell to the ground. "WELL WE WANT TO BE HAPPY TOO!" My dad said. He then kicked me to my mom. I looked to my left and saw Tommy just standing there. My mom then tempted to step on my stomach with her heels. "MOM NO!-" I said trying to cover the abuse so then Tommy wouldn't tell anyone. But it was too late. My mom stepped on me so hard "HEY BACK OFF!" Tommy screamed. She then ran up to us and pushed me back and guarded me so then my parents wouldn't hurt me. Tommy then started to speak again "Don't ever touch my boyfriend!" Boyfriend!? I questioned. "I mean best friend!" She corrected herself. "He's our son!" My mom said while trying to take my hand. Tommy then slaps my mother's hand out the way. "He's your son, but he isn't your puppet!, Tommy said.

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