Randy and allie

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Randy's pov//
Me and Allie was been walking for what felt like weeks. We were tired and hungry. We only could eat berries. "What's that!" Allie said while pointing to somewhere on the green-ish yellow grass. I walked to it and picked up the thing she was pointing at. An apple?! I showed her the apple and she started to cry in joy. We shared the apple and started to walk again.

Then I felt something hit my head and then it when all black.


Allie's pov//
While we where walking randy then randomly fell on the ground. "Haha very funny randy!" I said. After a few seconds of silence I start to panic. "Ok randy haha you got me now lets go!" I said shaking him to get up. I look closely at the back of his head and there was the dark red blood shimmering on his hair. I look back to see Daniella. I picked up the boy and started to run. I then lost my footing and it was too late now... I started to cry knowing that this was something I couldn't run away from and protect my best friend. "Just take me but please! Spare me friend!" I said. I sat on my legs and placed my head on the grass. She took out a knife and was already ready until she fell to the ground.

I looked to my side to see dan. Turns out he threw a knife at Daniella's ankle. I ran for my life with a passed out kid in my arms. I then saw a flag. I got closer to it to see it was the woodscouts flag. I groaned but I did know that I was close.

But my legs... they were becoming weak. N- no this can't happen. I fell to the ground. I tried to get up but I couldn't. Come on Allie just get up! I look to my friend and he's still passed out. I then start to crawl dragging the kid. I then reach to where the bus usually hits David and I start to cry in agony. This was the worst pain I had even felt. I was hungry, injured, and was worried about my friend. I looked back at the fluffy black haired boy. If only I was there to protect you. I sighed and held his head on my lap. And started to hum.

I was hoping that someone would come over here and find us. I then tried to get back up on my feet but failed sadly. "There's no point!" I start to hug randy. Then he hugged back.

"R-Randy!?" I said. He was half awake but smiling. I hugged him tightly and started to cry more. Randy them wiped the tears off my cheeks and then smiles more. Randy then starts to speak."Y-You l- loo- look pretty when you cry!" I push him and start to blush. He starts to giggle. I look at him to see the he was touching the back of his head. When he looked at his hand he started to scream. I covered his mouth so dan and Daniella don't come after us again like last time. I tried to stand up and finally I got up. I held my hand out to help randy up but he couldn't get up. He pulled up the bottom of his pants up to see that he had broken it when I fell.

I sighed and picked him up. I walked to the tents but no one was there. I open the door to the mess hall and everyone was already looking at randy and I. They all ran up to us for a hug. I collapsed to the ground and then It went black.

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