Extra: Back to the Grindstone

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"You sure this is a good idea?"

"Very sure."

"But what if he gets mad?"

"He shouldn't. We're just here to talk."

"Lucky, you're holding your axe."

. . .


We rode up in the elevator, my boyfriend and I, the catchy jingle swirling into our eardrums as the buttons on the control panel lit up.




"I just don't want to make him angry," I admitted. "For all we know, he could turn us into frogs or something; or worse: into babysitters."

"That'd be easy peasy," L bragged. "I'm great with kids!"

"L, I saw you slap an ice cream cone out of a girl's hand."

"She was giving me the stink eye."

"She was five!"

My boyfriend waved his hand. "Ah, forget it. That was that and this is this. We need to focus on the matter at hand."




"Which would be . . . ?"

"To figure out why we're not getting any more screen time!" Lucky barked. "It's been two weeks since our latest episode came out, and some of our readers want more!"

"Maybe he's busy."

"Too busy to write? That's his whole thing!"

"Look. All I'm saying is, we can't expect to be the center of the universe. We're not that cool."

My companion smirked. "Speak for yourself; I'm cooler than a cucumber."

"Not if you're in a Subway sandwich," I noted.






The elevator stopped, and the doors of bronze slid apart.

"Just don't go crazy," I begged. "I'm not even sure if we're supposed to be here."

"I'm just gonna talk to him," Lucky assured. "Until, of course, that doesn't work."

Before I could argue, he stepped forth into the apartment hallway, marching past the rows of oak doors.

Reluctantly, I followed.

Please don't turn me into a frog.

Please don't turn me into a frog.

As we advanced, Lucky studied the golden plaques fixed onto each door's front.

"Let's see, let's see . . . Ah! Here we are."

We stopped before room 215.

I gave a silent prayer, just as L knocked on the wood.




For a second, nothing.

My Bunny Boyfriend Can't Possibly Be This Cute! (Lucky x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now