Proper Greetings

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"Wake up you little shit the kings will see you now for your sentencing ".
I got up with a groan my back felt like it could split in half after sitting on that prison bed.
"Hurry we don't have all day"
I tried to focus my eyes on the dick head in front of me looking harder I recognized the guard she was female not as pretty as the rest of the females here and also she hated my guts we trained together for the position of guard I always got more attention from the male guards and I have to admit better treatment too.
"If I have to repeat myself once more then I'll make sure you have the worse punishment you can ever imagine.
I sat up off of the bed not answering her but giving her my signature death glare as soon as I was near the bars she threw the door wide open I step out but when I did she twisted my arm behind my back
"How does it feel to be lower than low "
I cringed with the force she was holding my arm with I was hundred percent sure I would have another bruise to add to the collection of many . As much as I wanted to grab her and slam her head into the bars I was already in deep shit and I didn't need anymore charges against me. As she was about to swing at me another guard flew in. "What's taking so long the kings has been waiting if you want this position I suggest you stop fooling around with the prisoner and do as your told"
I smirked at hearing this bitch spoke down a pon even if I was no longer a guard she still had no respect from any other guard or servent. "Move forward now"
I walked up the stairs from the dugeon threw the dark long halls and ending at the kings doors. The male guard knocked on the door no response even though I knew King Thranduil during his younger days many years has passed and by the way he treated me I could tell that the man I once knew wasn't there. King Thranduil has become dark over the years the prince I once knew was kind hearted opening his arms to anyone in need man, elves, and even dwarfs. The door opened my eyes taking in the sensory yes everything has changed when king Oropcer ruled the kingdom was filled with light and now a illing dark ora lingered .The wooden heels on my shoes clicked as I walked behind the guards into the room. Looking up there he was the king ,the ruler of the land and looking in his face I knew that he was scum who claimed this land only because of a death.The seat he sat in was the same one I saw Orocper seated in when I meet him years ago.Thranduil has practically turned into his father.. stone hearted, cruel, and over powered.
In my mind I thought about walking up to the king and coughing up a nice ball of spit and shooting it into his face but on the other hand kissing ass and getting far away from him seemed like the practical option that won't leave me headless.
I watched as his eyes watched me eying me head to toe I could image my state I haven't brushed my hair and a bath was well needed. I walked up to his throne followed but now six guards with arrows pointed at my skull. "My KING Thranduil may I speak to you properly as I did so many years ago without deadly objects , I know that I'm far from having any requests from you my dear king but please for I can give you a proper greeting that was due days ago when we meet again " and with that I bowed staying there and sitting on my knees head down awaiting his decision.
"EGO!! " the group of elves got there weapons and lefted the room now it was just me and the king. He looked at me as if waiting for a response or for me to begin begging him for my life.So with great shame I did. "My dear king spare my life I apologize for my tongue my action deserve a punishment but not by death sir".
He looked ready to laugh  a large smile stretched his stupid face.But surprisingly it changed I couldn't put my finger on his expression but it was something I never seen from Thranduil.
"Clandeen please explain to me why did you choose to leave and abandon me and this kingdom.. you lefted me for some scum of a guard I needed you when my father died ...I needed you when my wife passed I had to raise my son alone you were a friend "
I was completely taken back my mind was racing and my heart couldn't settle down, my emotions went from confusion anger sorrow and back to anger. "I lefted you...."
My body began to shake uncontrollably
"I left you no you lefted me as soon as you let that man you call father treat me like shit all my life I have been treated like scum like I wasn't suppose to be on this earth a mistake but then I come here and meet you and you treat me with so much love and then take it away day by day I was banished into the dungeons laughed at humiliated while you dined looking for your wife "
"I was lefted with the end of the stick did you expect me to leave here while you and your wife walked around the kingdom as the hot new thing, and your son is your son your job is to take care of him which I don't think you had much problem with since your the goddamn king. DO NOT not blame your faults on me when you turned you back on me "
The room was silent besides my crying and heavy breathing I was on my knees
"Just please let me leave and you can forget about this ever happening I would leave your kingdom If you want just please let me go " taking my chances I looked at his face and it terrified me.
"You know what you'll stay here for the rest of your life serving these halls take her away to her room make sure there's guards and that she doesn't try anything "
Two male guards grabbed at my arms dragging me from Thranduil I screamed and kicked. "NO..NOO YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME.... LET ME GO ..PLEASE NOOO. "
(Don't worry Im not going to do anything drastic to Clandeen or Thranduil well Blythe yet )

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