Chapter thirty four

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"As you know, Health Week is coming up. We have speakers lined up to discuss everything from heart disease and exercise to the dangers of sun damage and fried food. Everyone's booked and ready to go. The only thing left to figure out is where to set up the sign-up table for the annual blood drive." Francie announced to the rest of the student council.

Madeline screamed and it made Camille jump. She was more awake than what she had been all day due to not getting sleep because of her nightmare.

"Geez." Francie rolled her eyes.

"What's the matter?" Rory asked.

"She hates the word blood." Louise whispered the last word.

"Give me a heart attack." Francie replied sarcastically.

"Just keep your hands on your ears." Camille suggested.

"Tell me when it's over." Madeline requested.
"As I was saying before the freak-out,we need to figure out where to place the sign up table for the blood drive." Francie continued.

"I can still hear her." Madeline interrupted.

"Hum to yourself." Camille told her.

"Continue, please." Paris sighed.

"I am proposing putting it in the cafeteria." Francie carried on. "It's got easy access, maximum exposure, and almost ninety percent of the student body visits the cafeteria every day. It's the perfect location."

"Well?" Paris questioned the rest of the council.

"No." Rory disagreed.

"Excuse me?" Francie inquired.

"You can't set up in the cafeteria. It's a fire hazard." Rory shrugged.

"It is?" Paris mumbled.

"Yes, it's a fire hazard. You'll have to find another place." Rory stated.

"You're kidding." Camille muttered.

"I never kid about fire safety." Rory shot her a look.

"Well, Rory, I actually know the fire codes for the cafeteria, and as long as we don't cram more than three hundred people in there, we can start an opium den and the fire department wouldn't care." Francie pointed out.

"A, Francie, I think they would care, and B, I'm not talking about numbers. You set up that table, get people thinking about blood, someone smells smoke, and the next thing you know, fifty stampeding teenagers are using your body to lever open a door. I won't allow that." Rory argued.

"This is Xanadu-level of insane." Francie scoffed.

"You do realize you're opposing the blood drive?" Paris asked.

"No, I'm opposing the blood drive in the cafeteria." Rory replied.

"Is it really that big a deal?" Paris questioned.

"It's the rules, Paris, the rules of common decency, and I'll be damned if I let Francie ignore those rules." Rory ranted.

"Well, okay, motion denied. The senior class president will come up with an alternate plan for the location of the sign-up table for the blood drive." Paris decided. "Now Louise, poke John Williams over there and tell her she can cut the score, we're moving on. Advertising space in the yearbook is only fifty percent sold as of right now. What are we doing to do about this? Roger, yes?"

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