Chapter 7: Battles and Training

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Now, Alonso, Hanabi, and Rai were now done with the Forest of Death and gotten their scrolls to the tower. Alonso seemed very tired as he looked like he was going to fall over any moment. "Alonso, are you ok?" Hanabi asked him.

"No... my eyes still hurt," he told her. His eyes were no longer purple and had circles and were his normal black. Still, his eyes were recovering from what Orochimura did to him.

"Just try to tough it out, alright?" Rai asked.

"I will," Alonso said before standing up straight.

(Skipping the stuff with Iruka because it's boring as shit).

The three genin had passed the second exam and now they would be heading into the third exam. They were with all of the other genin in a room that had a giant pair of hands doing the Ram hand sign.

Team 12 looked around and noticed how few students there were now. "Can't lose now," Rai thought while looking around.

"First of all, congratulations on finishing the second exam," Anko told them.

The third Hokage and a bunch of Jonin were there looking at them. Kuzunoha folded her arms and smiled, seeing that her team managed to pass. "Not bad guys. Not bad at all," she thought.

Hanabi looks over and sees that Hinata and Neji were still in this. "Wow, they're still around. That's good. I can show how stronger I am than them," Hanabi thought.

Alonso looked over and looked at Sasuke. He was holding his shoulder like how Alonso was holding his head. "Did that guy do something to him too?" he wondered.

"Alright, pay attention! Lord Hokage is going to explain the third exam to you! You better pay attention, maggots!" Anko told them before turning to Hiruzen. "Lord Hokage, they're all yours."

He took two steps forward and explained everything about the reasons for the exam and how the third exam will be done. Once that was done, Gaara said "any test is fine. Just tell me what the details of the exam are already."

"As you wish," the Third said as a coughing man appeared before him. The Third allowed him to speak to the genin.

"We have to have a preliminary exam before we can move on to the real one," he explained."We have to do this because there are too many of you guys here and we need to lower that number down a bit. There are gonna be important people watching this and they only want to see the best, so if you feel like you're in not top physical condition, now is the time for you to bow out."

Alonso didn't by any means feel great but he wasn't about to back down. He was an Uchiha and his clan were known for their powerful ninja and he didn't want back out now, especially so close to the end.

"Alonso, do you think you can go on?" Hanabi asked him.

"Yes, don't worry about me Hanabi. Please," he told her.

"Are you sure about that, you're still holding your head," Rai stated.

"I said I'm fine," he retorted.

"If you say so," Rai replied.

The man explains everything else such as them starting immediately. Alonso stayed determined even when seeing that Kabuto dropping out. As he left, Kabuto glanced at Alonso and they shared eye contact for a moment before he turned away and kept walking.

Eventually, the coughing guy states that there are only 24 people left, meaning they would have to have 12 matches. He explains the rest of the damn rules and they were now able to have the matches. A panel opens and names are chosen randomly to show who will be going against who.

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