Chapter Twelve: She's Awake And Trying To Escape

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Third Person Pov
Bella sat beside her sister who was laying in a hospital bed. "She'll be okay Bella." Alec said softly as Bella just stared at her sister with a blank look. Jane frowns as she tried to get her mate to eat and drink something. "Bella you need to eat." Jane said softly as Bella just continued to stare at her sister.

"Ms. Swan I'm sure your sister wouldn't want you to starve yourself for her sake." Shelley said causing Bella to turn and look at her. "Come on now, eat an apple slice at less." Shelley ordered as she grabs Ravens charts. "Okay." Bella said softly causing the Twin to smile slightly. "Seems your sister just need rest. Her gift must have really take a toll on her body." Shelley said softly as she put the clip back.

"Why was she using her gift so much?" Bella asked with a frown as she munch on a sliced apple that Alec gave her. "She was on a mission. To save her friend." Shelley said as she sat on the bed while looking at Raven. "And I'm sure she would have done the same for anyone else that she loves." Shelley added looking at Bella and the Twins.

"But she had her mate! She would have been awake if her mate helped her!" Bella yelled causing Jane and Alec to stiffen. "And your don't thinks we tried!" Cauis growled causing Bella to turn and look at him. "Well you didn't try hard enough!" Bella yelled getting up to stand in front of him.

"You better hold your tongue human." Cauis hissed just as Jasper placed his hand on Cauis chest. "You think Raven will forgive you if you hurt Isabella, brother?" Aro asked as him and Marcus came in the hospital room. "We did try to convince her to let us help." Marcus spoke softly as he sat next to Raven with and pained look.

"But she told us to not interfere. Or she'll reject us." Jasper said getting Bella attention. "What does that-" Bella started confuse just as Shelley got up to leave and check on Henry. "Rejecting a mating bond is dangerous." Aro informed Bella causing Bella to look back at her sister. "But reject a mating bond thats already bonded is even more dangerous." Jasper added as he grab Ravens hand and using his gift to make her comfortable in her sleep.

"That is why we have a law that you can't separate mates." Cauis finished as Bella sat back into her chair to let them stay close with Raven. "H-how-" Bella started only for Jane to frown and look at her. "It causes pain on both side that is more painful then my gift." Jane said causing Bella eyes to widen in shock. "But she wouldn't do that." Bella said confused causing Raven mate to slightly smile.

"You may think so Bella. But you do know that she would rather suffer then lose her independent." Jasper stated causing Bella to sigh. "Your right." Bella mutter as she curled herself closer to Alec while holding Janes hand. That's when Bella notice that Jasper and the Kings eyes are almost pitch black.

Time Skip

After a week has passed Raven has finally woken up from her deep slumber. "Good morning Ms. Swan." The nurse greeted with a heavy Italian accent. "H-how." Raven started to ask but couldn't speak since her throat felt dry. "You've be asleep for 6 days. The masters are very worried that you wouldn't wake up again." She informed her as she gave her a cup of water.

Raven let out a sigh of relief when she felt the cold water going down her throat. "I'll go inform your sister and my masters." The nurse said as she placed another cup of water on the little table beside Raven. "Thank you." Raven rasped then quickly cleared her throat. "Thank you miss." Raven said with a small smile causing the nurse to smile back and leave the room.

Raven let out a sigh as she forced herself to get out of the bed. She grits her teeth in pain as her body refused to move. "Come on Raven." Raven mutters softly as she took a deep breath and try to move to her limbs. "If I didn't know you any better I'd say your trying to escape." Henry said as he came into the room.

Raven huffed as she lays flat on the uncomfortable hospital bed. "You and Shelley know how I hate hospital." Raven mutter as she then looks at study Henry. He had some a bandaid on his left eyebrow and the bridge of his nose. He has a split lip and a few smell cuts on his face.

"How are you?" Raven asked as Henry smiled softly and helped her sit up. "A few bruised and broken ribs. Nothing I couldn't handle." Henry joked as he held Raven close to him when she stood up. "What happened to Theodore?" Raven asked as Henry took her to the bathroom for her to change.

"They have the highest security with him now. There gonna have to transport him to America since he is a wanted criminal." Henry said as he saw Jasper come in the room. "Whelp we've been caught." Henry chuckled as Jasper frown and crossed his arms over his chest.

" Henry chuckled as Jasper frown and crossed his arms over his chest

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"Before you scold me. I can't stand being inside hospitals." Raven said once she got out to see Jasper. Jasper stayed silent as Henry looked between Raven and him. "Your lucky it was me that came here darlin'. I'm sure the others wouldn't like ta see ya out of bed." Jasper said causing Raven to nod her head in understanding.

"Carlisle is coming here so can stay in the castle." Jasper added as he stood beside her to help her up. "Have you told Dad about this?" Raven asked looking at Henry as they walked out of the room. "Not the whole story. Just that there was a delay on the flight so Bella could stay one more day and that your planning on stay here a bit longer then usual." Henry informed as Raven nods her head.

"Though I can stay in Italy a little longer but I'm sure the Quileute would want to know where I am. Knowing Sam he'll get worried and try to get answer of my whereabouts akong with Paul." Raven said then stop as she looks at Jasper eyes to see there a crimson red. "Your eyes." Raven said softly in slight awe as Jasper walked towards her.

"We'll talk about it later. The kings can't leave the castle at the moment." Jasper mutter as Raven notice he was extremely tense. "Come on lets get out. Bella is with Shelley at the hotel." Henry cuts in as him and Jasper help Raven walk out the room.

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