Chapter Nine: Safety

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(A/n) I have no idea what I'm doing anymore. But I'll try to think of somethings.

Raven's POV
I growled lowly as I walked around Volterra alone as Luther hide in the shadows. I stop sensing someone was following me causing me to look out in the city/town. A small sigh escaped my lips as I run my fingures through my hair and closed my eyes.

"My love?" I heard causing me to turn and see Jameson walking towards me. "Jay? What are you doing here?" I asked in shock. "I've been looking for you." He said as I went to hug him and started to tear up. "I'm sorry I had to leave. But I wanted my mother to be happy. I-I..." I started only for him to gently press his lips against mine.

I gently placed my hand on his chest as he slowly pulled away from me. "Never leave me again." He mumbled softly causing me to smiled softly at him. "I wish I could promise you that but... I have people to look after." I told him causing him to frown.

"Why is it your always so selfless? Why can't you let your self be happy for once! Why do you always have to worry about everyone but yourself?!" He yelled causing me to flinch. "I'm sorry." He said as I took notice his fingures twitching. "Are you on drug?" I asked sadly causing him to look at me in pain.

"After you left. I lost my shit. I became friends with-with people I sh-shouldn't be fri-friends with." He said causing me to pull him close to me hugging him tightly. "Come on. You look like you need rest and something to eat." I mumbled taking his hand and dragging him to the hotel room.

"Hurry." I mumbled softly pushing him inside and closing the door behind me. "Where you followed?" I asked him as I went to the kitchen and pulled out a small Amber vile along with a cup of water.

"I-I don't-don't think so." He stuttered as he sat on the couch. I poured the amber into the water causing it to turn clear once I silently stir it. "Why did you kill those women?" I asked him softly as I sat on the wooden table in front if the couch and gave him the drink.

"I didn't! You have to believe me! I would never do that. You know I wouldn't." He said causing me to sigh as I felt someone in the apartment. 'Luther.' I though as I look over my shoulder. "I find it are to believe you Jameson. After what you put me through." I told him as I hear hissing in my bedroom causing me to tense up slightly.

"I-I kn-know what I d-did was f-fucked up. But you where my first. My-my first love. As I was yours." He said as I heard four growls causing me to slightly relaxe. "Do you trust me Jameson?" I asked softly as I straddle his lap causing him to move his hand on my thighs. "Of course. Always." He said causing me to smile sadly at him. "My love? Why are you so sad-" I cut him off by hitting a pressure point to knock him out.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled just as the three kings and Jasper came into the room. "Raven." Jasper growled causing me to sigh and get off of Jameson. "You hurt him. I'll leave you all. I don't care how painful it'll be." I threaten them causing them to stiffen. "Alucard!" I summon causing a black shadow to aappear.

"Master?" Alucard asked with a wicked grin showing his razer sharp teeth

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"Master?" Alucard asked with a wicked grin showing his razer sharp teeth. I took notice the three Kings and Jasper tense up at his blood lust aura. "I need you to get all the information on the drug Lord's. Their scent is on Jameson. Track them down, get the information, and kill them all." I order causing him to cackle loudly.

Then he disappear once he found the scent on Jameson. "Who was that?" Caius growled as I got a blanket and covered Jameson up. "The no life king. A different Vampire." I said not look at them. "His base on my favorite anime called Hellsing. He is Vlade or Dracula." I told them as Jameson snuggled closer to the blaket.

"A vampire?" Marcus asked causing me to look at them. "His kind of Vampire are completely different then the cold ones. He can only turn any virgin woman to a vampire if he wants to. But if I was his kind of Vampire. I can turn any virgin males to a vampire. If their not a virgin they became ghouls or zombies." I told them as Jasper stood beside me nuzzling his nose to my neck.

"I'm okay. Where's Bella?" I asked running my fingures through his hair causing him to purr. "Shes with the guards in the castle." Aro said causing me to look at him with a small smile. "What are you gonna do with him?" Jasper asked as I gently nudge him before looking at Jameson.

"He was under the influence of drugs. Strong ones at that." I said as I pulled Jameson arm out to see marks on them. "And before you try to kill him. Think about it if I was in his shoes." I added as I went to my room to change.

I pulled out my phone and called Henry and place him on speaker

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I pulled out my phone and called Henry and place him on speaker. "Raven?" Henry asked as I went to the kitchen seeing all four vampires staring down at Jameson. "Henry. I got Jameson. His under the influence of drugs. Maybe LSD or Heroin." I told him as I grab a glass of water and check to see if Jameson was breathing.

"And I assume you send Alucard?" He asked causing me to giggle slightly. "I'll take that as a yes." He added as I felt Jameson pulse. "His alive just so you know." I added as I look at the four vampires. "So you think manipulation is involved?" Shelley asked me causing me to bit my bottom lips.

"Yes." I said as I run my fingures through my hair. "That doesn't give him a right. He'll still have to go to court for seven counts of first degree murder. And since he was under the influence of drugs that's not gonna help him either." Shelley said causing me to sigh heavily.

"His still going to jail but he can have do a Guilty Plea and have a short time and a possibility of parole." Henry said as I look at Jameson. "Alright. I need you to call William and tell him about this case. We can still have justice to the fuckers involved." I mumbled as I called back Alucard.

"Of course." Henry said then I hung up as I see Alucard cover in a bits of blood. "Master." Alucard growled as I went to the fridge and pulled out a blood bag. "Sorry I had to stop you Alucard but you can have this before you go back." I told him as he looks at me with his orange red eyes.

"I also need you to lead me to them. I'll have to call the boys to come join me on this mission. Once where done and the guys are in jail for a while then you can have them." I told him causing him to look at me with a crazed look. "Of course Master." Alucard said laughing loudly before taking the blood bag and disappearing.

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