Chapter 3.5 - A Gift

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––Three days before Misha birthday.

"Here your stuffs, Boy."

"Thank you for your business as always, Sir Morph." (Arc)

Arc keep the goods he received in his bag.

When he saw the condition of a particular item, Arc sighed in disappoint.

"Sorry for the sword, Boy." (Morph)

"It's okay, not that I placed much hope here to begin with." (Arc)

"That's hurt Boy. Your thing damaged my confidence as blacksmith." (Morph)

Mr. Morph let out his hurtful feeling.

"What in the world is that sword? It's wouldn't melt no matter how hot I blazed my furnace is. No matter I checked, it just looked like an ordinary sword." (Morph)

"...That also something I want to know..." (Arc)

That's right.

The particularly item Arc entrusted to Mr. Morph is a worn-out ordinary looking sword.

Mr. Morph known as the best blacksmith in Everyne City. Arc send the sword in hope Mr. Morph can repair the sword.

In the end, it's still futile.

Arc had many times tried repair the sword to several blacksmiths, but all of them failed.

Arc wondering just what in the world the sword is. It might look ordinary, worn-out, and chipped. But the sword very sturdy and resistant. Even Mr. Morph's furnace can't melt.

The reason Arc insisting to repair the sword is because it's been with him since he can remember. And he feels he have strange bond with the sword.

Deep inside him told him the sword very important to him.

Sighed at another failure, Arc packed up his stuffs.

As Arc about exit from the shop, his eyes caught an item atop wooden barrel. His interest pulled since he never saw something like it.

"What is it, Sir Morph?" (Arc)

"Hmm. Oh, that's a commodity I received from a foreign merchant friend. He said it's called hookshot." (Morph)

"Hookshot? Is it something that shoot a hook?" (Arc)

Arc inspecting the item. It's haves L-shape with a hook and small barrel attached at the end.

"You're right, Boy. Here, I'll show you." (Morph)

Taking the hookshot from Arc, Mr. Morph aiming the hookshot at ceiling, and pulled the trigger.

A hook with string attached to it rocketed up and stuck on ceiling.

Mr. Morph pulled the trigger again. This time, it's him that pulled up to ceiling. After reached considerable height, the hook unfastened, and Mr. Morph fell.

"Sir! Watch out!!" (Arc)

"Uoooh!" (Morph)


"Ouch!!" (Morph)

Luckily, he didn't fall on his merchandises. It'd become an irony joke if a blacksmith wounded by his own creation.

"Are you okay, Sir?" (Arc)

"Ouch! That's hurt. I'm okay, Boy. Rather, how is it?" (Morph)

Quite dangerous, Arc thought.

Arc didn't immediately decide. He repeating Mr. Morph demonstration in his mind. Without training, it'd hard to using the Hookshot properly. But Arc imagining if he can use it properly, his mobility would increasingly.

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