Frankie Bombshell cometh

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Stan Lopez Fanning, the hyena with dyed blonde hair, wearing a sweat-stained white tank top and black jeans, had checked out books from the Aster City public library and was reading them to get his crush, red panda pop idol Miku, to fall in love with him. Stan was reading one book about how to make a Faustian bargain, exchanging his soul for love with a person of his choosing. Stan mumbled the final part of the incantation, "Te invoco a profundus inferni..."

Frankie Bombshell appeared and congratulated him, "Congratulations, you stupid fucking moron. You ended the universe. You are the man who sold the world. What's your price?" She was tall and blonde and hourglass-shaped. Big boobs bounced slightly as she hopped over. As she was a bunny anime girl. Yellow bunny ear raised. Green bunny ear cocked. Swirling glasses looking into his soul. Her smile was too wide. Cottontail flicking. "I want Miku to love me forever," Stan responded, seemingly not really understanding that he's ending the universe, or worse, not caring. Single-mindedly obsessed with Miku. She cocked her head slightly. She asked, "That's all? Force yourself on her then."

"I want to make Miku love me, not just force myself on her. That's all I ever wanted," Stan says creepily. Frankie backed off, her smile a smug smirk. Her tone was creeper, "I'll make you more attractive if you bring all the cults and the supervillains to me."

"I don't know how to bring you cults and supervillains," Stan responds concerned. Frankie Bombshell shrugged and skipped past him, "Then let's just go kidnap her."

Stan follows after Frankie, quickly becoming out of breath despite Frankie skipping at a normal pace.

Frankie came up behind Miku. Miku was on her cell phone typing with her fake blue nails but she stopped when she got an uneasy feeling that someone was behind her, without turning her head but looking up from her blue cell phone, Miku asked, "Is someone there?" Miku turned her head and looked at Frankie. Frankie Bombshell used her hypnosis to make her fall in love with Stan then she kidnapped her.

The idol Miku was handed over. Stan smiles with wide-eyed excitement, "I finally got Miku to love me." Stan hugged Miku and Frankie tightly in gratitude.

Frankie Bombshell the bunny girl grabbed his hips then ass. Frankie licked her lips then backed off. She noted, "Bye-bye, I've got a universe to destroy."

Stan waved goodbye to Frankie, he hurried down the street with Miku, already thinking about everything he could do with her.

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