Ickbbar Critical Teddy's Rage

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Ickbbar Critic Ted flopped himself against the wall. He hissed to himself in his worn and aged cartoony voice, "I was a fool." Tears formed. They fell. He whispered, "Tyler Dream, you asshole!"

"Yeah, if KW trusts you, I'll join your cult," Tyler tells Frankie before faintly hearing Ickbbar's whispers upstairs. Tyler heads upstairs, "Ickbbar?"

Ickbbar Critical Teddy walked alongside the wall. He glared with his googly button eyes. Ick breathed out, "You..." He snarled almost sadly, "You were a supervillain. I loved you... And yet."

"...Do you know what I did when I wasn't around?" Tyler asks Ickbbar, nervously.

Icky Bar spat, "Oh fucking of course, I did! I wasted my time waiting, guiding you to hero. Hoping you would give up on KW...Tyler."

"I haven't been the Hydra with Many Faces in a few years," Tyler responds defensively.

"Asshole!" Icky grabbed his sword and let it go with a sigh. He sighed out loud, "You picked KW. Your adopted daughter. Over me! We've been together for how long and you..." The Teddy Bear looked away in tears. Angry tears. He huffed, "What do you have to say?"

"I'm sorry, I know I'm a bad guy," Tyler sighs quietly while looking away slightly, "I just want to live my life, I'm sorry for hurting you."

Ickbbar Critical Teddy told him, "I accept your apology." Tyler smiles with his eyes closed and says in a pleased tone, "Thank you. I'm glad." Ick hugged him. Tyler hugs Ick back tightly. Ickbbar took Tyler's red DreamCorp cell phone from Tyler's red suit pants pocket then put it back. He assured him, "I love you." Tyler slowly pulls away from the hug before saying, "I'll always love you." Tyler sighs in relief.

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