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Ray the silver-furred wolf wearing a silver suit enters tall buildings through the windows for burglary using giant extendable and retractable silver stilts. Infamous criminal Jean Paul the cheetah waits in the driver seat with both paws on the steering wheel of his red car that he worked on to have turbo super-speed NOS boost.

A black and yellow mix breed cat driving a cab lets out The Butterfly, an African American woman in a black butterfly costume with a jetpack and rope.

"Name's Taxi Jr, let me know if you need another ride," Taxi Jr. the black and yellow cat says while giving The Butterfly a business card.

Taxi Jr. looks up at Ray, walking around with his giant extended stilts.

"How are you gonna stop that nutjob, Butterfly?" Taxi asks.

" thwart a menace of this magnitude requires a very sophisticated and specialized crime-fighting technique," The Butterfly answers while crouching on top of the cab.

The Butterfly jumps up off the cab and kicks Ray's extended stilt legs.

Ray shouts as he trips, "Whoaa....whooooaaaa...AAAAAHHHHH!"


"....Oh," Taxi says before smiling, "You were being sarcastic."

"Yes. Yes, I was," The Butterfly responds as she crouches on the cab again.

Ray gets up and fires a gun in his right paw four times at The Butterfly. The Butterfly uses her military jetpack then kicks Ray's arm, knocking the gun out of his hand with a KRAK!

Ray extends a left jab into The Butterfly's back using giant extendable and retractable silver stilts.

Ray shouts, "See? I'm already improving! Upgrading! And when I get more Betta Life tech, I'll be unstoppable!"

Ray extends a right punch but The Butterfly dodges as his fist hits a building with a BKRATCH!

The Butterfly hops on the top of a window and crouches.

Ray points with his left paw and asks, "Hey! Are you ignoring me? What are you doing?"

"Calculating," The Butterfly responds.

The Butterfly lassoes the extended silver stilt legs of Ray using her rope and flips him upside down as she jumps to a street light then she ties him tightly upside down to the street light.

"If you'd miscalculated, even by a fraction, I'd have been killed!" Ray shouts.

"I do not 'miscalculate'," The Butterfly responds.

Jean Paul drives his car away using NOS boost as The Butterfly can't catch up.

The Butterfly tries to follow the car but has quickly lost Jean Paul. The Butterfly has found Light Show, an elderly grey rat wearing a blue helmet and metal super-suit with neon blue visor, inner ears on the helmet, and shoe soles. Light Show levitates over Paradise Bank, saying in a frail low voice, "If you'd be so kind and leave the bank in an orderly fashion. I'm robbing them, not you. Otherwise, I have energy blasts and shields for days."

The Butterfly follows the rat as it floats over the crowds of people near the bank, some screaming, some running in the other direction, and kids crying. The Butterfly sticks close to Light Show, levitating over everyone's heads. The Butterfly looks around and wonders what to do. There are too many people to attack, but then again, she doesn't miscalculate.

The Butterfly takes off her jetpack from her shoulders and throws her jetpack at Light Show. It's a direct hit as Light Show falls to the ground and into a bush, the weak senior citizen is quickly arrested by police officers who arrive on the scene with power-dampening handcuffs.

The Butterfly walks in the direction of the abandoned warehouse.

Donald Buttocks, a mandrill wearing a dark blue super-suit with a red cape, stands on a white van with a megaphone. In the driver's seat is Daniel Boone, a male white-furred baboon wearing a blue sweater under a white lab coat and high-waisted black trousers, as he looks out the windshield with his red eyes for any signs of heroes. In the passenger seat is Olive Boone, a female light grey female baboon with a dark grey under belly, as she looks out the windshield with her light green eyes for any signs of heroes as well. Donald Buttocks shouts into a megaphone, "Vote for Donald Buttocks! Vote for Donald Buttocks! Donald Buttocks, the face of Aster City!"

A crowd of citizens, mostly females, begin gathering including Hippolyte Mesmer as his superhero identity Doctor Hypno.

Doctor Hypno puts on his hypno glasses and looks at Donald in his yellow eyes before saying, "You will think that everyone sees you as the fraud you are."

Donald begins having a panic attack as he looks at the crowd judging him, he feels too exposed. Donald gets in the backseat of the van and shouts, "Go! Go! Go!"

Daniel Boone drives off, confused on why Donald is freaking out.

Doctor Hypno walks away from the crowd, in the direction of the abandoned warehouse.

Ickbbar Critic Ted looked across the road. "Hey, I know that guy." He noted. Doctor Hypno notices Ickbbar and approaches. Miss Owl asks Ick, "Who is that?" Ickbbar huffed, "My ex team member. He can mind control." Doctor Hypno adjusted his Hypno Glasses and stated, "I'm not like that anymore. I'm a professional doctor now...I can't stay, the world is soon to end now that Frankie Bombshell is back."

"Do you think he'll be useful to help us stop Tommy Riddles and this Frankie Bombshell person?" Miss Owl asks. The Butterfly also walks by, noticing the group of heroes, approaching them.

Icky pointed to The Butterfly, "Who's she?"

"That's...The Butterfly, she's another superheroine," Miss Owl tells Ick. The Butterfly asks, "What's this little group all about?"

Ickbbar Critic Ted yelled, "A bunny anime girl named Frankie Bombshell is going to end the world!" He then realized how insane it must sound. He then face palmed at himself. "I'm going to help stop her then," The Butterfly states firmly. Miss Owl and Super Stoat don't object.

Ickbbar baffled at this, "Wait, you believe me?" He stared blankly in surprise. "I just fought a wolf using stilts to commit burglary and an elderly rat that levitates, I'll believe anything regarding villains," The Butterfly says matter-of-factly before asking, "Where is this Frankie Bombshell person?"

Ick suggested, "Probably an abandoned warehouse we're going to." Hypno offered, "My son visits an abandoned warehouse a lot with men, I think that helps." Hypno looked at everyone in his... inappropriate grab. He wore a speedo and a lab coat version crop top with a tall blue hat. "Seems like an interesting lead," The Butterfly says. Miss Owl, Super Stoat, and The Butterfly lead the way into the abandoned warehouse.

Ick points out, "Serious dude, why a speedo? I'm naked and at least I'm not looking like I'm on drugs." Doctor Hypno glared, he noted, "I am years off drugs, you plaything of God!" Ickbbar went to fight him over this. Miss Owl steps in between the two before saying, "Sidekick, behave. Focus. He's not our enemy."

Ick-a-bar backed off. He said nothing as he breathed in rage.

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