Ickbbar Critic Ted, Hero

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Tyler woke up in the early morning hours, he quickly got dressed in his red suit jacket, black undershirt, and red suit pants then watched some news before heading out of his suburban house toward a meet-up spot that Frankie had planned.

Ickbbar Critic Ted grabbed his sword and stomped off. He followed their footsteps.

Ick passed by the TV, "This is Kenzie Weasel White for Weazel News reporting, this morning there was a major prison escape at Aster City Correctional Facility. Numerous convicted felons and cult members have escaped but the police department is urging the public NOT to worry. We'll have more of this story as it develops." Ickbbar sighed out loud to himself.

Ickbbar Critic Ted wondered if he was the only hero.

After having been broken out of Aster City Correctional Facility, Diavolo Dopplio, a human lady with black hair, now known as The Doppler terrorizes Aster City using red gauntlets that produce loud shockwaves. The Doppler's red super-suit with black stripes protects her from the effects of the shockwaves on her body. The Doppler uses this to smash buildings and cause massive earthquakes to collapse them.

He was wrong.

Ickbbar Critical Teddy immediately saw two people after. Karma Houdini, a white-furred female bunny in a blue suit jacket and white knee-high boots. Jacklyn Hyde, an orange-eyed female hyena in a black dress and black top hat. Karma and Jacklyn stand beside The Doppler as they make their way, destroying Aster City.

Ickbbar slashed at the air. He declared, "Villains! Surrender or face my sword!"

Karma smirks. The Doppler pounds her left fist into her right hand's palm, Jacklyn Hyde grows two feet taller and much more muscular as she turns into a seven-foot gnoll monster. Jacklyn ears' perk up as she silently glares at Ick for a moment before snarling.

"Surrender?" Karma asks sarcastically.

Ick turned his sword into a pen then drew a cage around them. He noted sarcastically, "Wow, you are easy!"

Karma begins panicking, she grabs the bars and shouts, "Let us out!" Jacklyn tests the bars with her increased strength but cannot bend the bars. Jacklyn growls and attempts to climb out of the cage but the bars are too close together. The Doppler tries to destabilize the bars with her shockwaves but the bars stay intact. Ick Critic Ted laughed, Ickbbar took photos of Karma Houdini and Jacklyn Hyde in their humiliating defeat using his phone. "Surrender and I will." Karma tries to use her natural-born super-power, the ability to control people's minds by making them believe whatever she says even if they know she's lying. Karma says, "I don't belong in this cage, let me out." Jacklyn's face twists into a snarl. The gnoll's face morphs back into a hyena's face.

Icky Bar asked, "Oh, how do I know you aren't lying?"

"...Because I'm a good person," Karma lies just as easily as breathing, though confused on why her power isn't working.

Ickbbar jokes, "I don't believe you." Teddy pushed some buttons on his phone. He called the Aster City Correctional Facility.

"How? Everyone believes me," Karma asks Ick, confused and concerned.

"I kinda know how things work," Ick says, alluding to his meta ability.

The dispatcher over the phone sends Officer Clyde Joyner, Officer Steve, Officer Bruce as they arrive to take away the caged villainesses.

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