Tyler Dream awakened

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Frankie Bombshell, the bunny girl, knocked on the front door of a suburban home. Tyler Dream, the black cat with green eyes comes downstairs. Tyler opens the front door. KW follows Tyler from his room upstairs. Frankie commented with some cheer, "Ah! KW! Join me again and bring your...?" It ended in confusion. Frankie Bombshell couldn't tell what they were.

"Adoptive f-father," Tyler adds. Tyler was unsure if he should reveal to Frankie that he was secretly dating KW now that she was an adult in this universe. Tyler looks at KW, looking for reassurance before saying anything more.

"Father," KW added in a lie.

The bunny anime girl with big boobs tested carefully, "Are you sure? You can tell me."

Tyler looks at KW again, looking for more reassurance.

KW says, "I'm sure."

Tyler asks Frankie nervously, "Would you think I'm weird?"

Frankie Bombshell assured him, "I wouldn't. I'm just curious."

"I may be dating KW," Tyler responds, looking down, feeling a bit ashamed.

KW glares at Tyler for a moment. Tyler sighs quietly before KW looks back at Frankie, Tyler looks up a bit.

The yellow and green lady approved, "Congratulations! You are so cute together. So, are you going to join my cult? Just checking."

Tyler smiles a tiny bit as he fully looks up, gently hugging KW with one arm a bit before responding, "I don't know, depends if KW is willing to join."

KW nods without a word. She seems to be thinking. 

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