Night Owl

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Miss Owl, an owl woman named Bella Wayne, battles Orson Arson, a pyrotechnics coordinator for Century Studios dressed in a red costume with a yellow and black abdomen under the supervillain name Fire Bug, a water monster in the shape of a meerkat man Volvic Völler, a yellow-eyed cactus cat girl dressed in a black one-piece over black jeans named Jen Kanyon, and a black-and-white clown called Smiley.

Jen Kanyon ties Miss Owl up tightly with a vine and then spins her around to dizzy her. Fire Bug blasts fire at Miss Owl using a flamethrower. Volvic Völler turns into a living mini-whirlpool to hit Miss Owl with but misses when Miss Owl side-steps and he hits Fire Bug by mistake neutralizing his flames. Fire Bug slips on Volic Völler's water and slams face-first into the ground. Volvic Völler loses some of his watery meerkat form as he turns into a small puddle. Miss Owl defeats Jen Kanyon with some martial arts skills, she manages to avoid her spines by targeting her legs. Smiley pulls out a boxing glove gun but Miss Owl disarms him and turns the weapon on him, knocking him out with the spring-loaded boxing glove.

Ick is surprised that she's taking on these villains and that this universe hasn't been destroyed by villains yet.

Ick says, "Congratulations."

Miss Owl takes this insincerely.

Miss Owl handcuffs the villains using Owl-Cuffs and contains Volvic using an aquarium pipette from her utility belt.

Ick offered awkwardly, "May I join you?" Ickbbar Critical Teddy walked closer and looked at her. He awaited an answer. "I usually work solo..." Miss Owl thinks about it, putting an index finger on her chin before asking, "Have you ever defeated some villains?" Ick nodded and showed the pictures he took earlier. The Karma Houdini and Jacklyn Hyde were pictured. Miss Owl looks at the pictures before saying, "You look like you can handle yourself. I'd love to have you as a sidekick."

Suddenly, a Hook-handed Scarecrow appears out of the alley and tries to decapitate Miss Owl with his hook. Miss Owl ducks, the Hook-handed Scarecrow narrowly misses, Miss Owl quite literally knocks the stuffing out of the Hook-handed Scarecrow with an uppercut punch. The Scarecrow has stitches around its head like it's been decapitated before and stuffing easily falls out.

Ick noted the stuffing and cut the stitches with his sword. He asked, "Sidekick, huh?" The head rolls, stuffing pouring out. "Well I'm the most experienced hero and world's greatest detective," Miss Owl says while going through the stuffing. Miss Owl finds a riddle with green writing, it's signed 'Tommy Riddles' and it regards the secret identity of Super Stoat.

The teddy bear breathed out as he saw the name, "Reminds me of Thomas Cheese... Don't ask." Miss Owl doesn't ask, instead she focuses on the riddle. Miss Owl tries to solve it. Miss Owl decides to visit her prime suspect, Ermine Richardson, the reporter for Weazel News.

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