The Big Battle

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"Our enemies are in there," Miss Owl tells Ick while pointing to the abandoned warehouse. Miss Owl, Super Stoat, and The Butterfly lead the way inside the warehouse. Ickbbar and Hypno follow behind...

Inside the warehouse is Frankie Bombshell, Tyler Dream, KW, Squad of Sinners, Pinky, Ye Bernard, Tommy Riddles, Killah Whale, Jo King, a red squirrel with brown eyes stares bug-eyed at the heroes before aiming a Smith & Wesson M&P15 semi-automatic rifle then rapidly firing at all of them and Jean Paul also fires his pistol at the heroes.

Ick hides under a desk, Miss Owl takes cover behind a small blue metal barrel, The Butterfly takes cover behind a pillar, and Doctor Hypno takes cover behind a heavy box. Super Stoat doesn't take cover, he approaches Jo King and Jean Paul as they aim their gun fire at his chest but the bullets just bounce off his insignia. Jo King runs out of bullets. Jean Paul aims for the face of Super Stoat and pulls the trigger, the bullet hits Super Stoat's eye but is crushed. Jean Paul looks at the bullet as it falls to the ground, Jean Paul looks up and Super Stoat smirks.

Doctor Hypno pokes his head out from behind the box and Jean Paul goes to shoot him in the head but Super Stoat is faster than a speeding bullet, running to Doctor Hypno then moving him out the way. Jo King and Jean Paul drop their guns as Miss Owl handcuffs the villains using Owl-Cuffs.

Lady Delphine, The Killah Whale. Killah Whale, a giant orca with large breasts somehow, goes to punch Miss Owl but she blocks. Miss Owl punches Killah Whale in the face with a KRAK! Killah Whale goes to punch back, Miss Owl jumps to the left, Killah Whale destroys the concrete pillar easily. Miss Owl kicks Killah Whale in the back. Killah Whale throws a forklift at The Butterfly who side-steps. Killah Whale goes to punch The Butterfly but she blocks, Killah Whale shouts, "I am the monster!" Killah Whale punches The Butterfly two more times as she blocks. PKOW KRAK.

Ickbbar Critic Ted looks around for his target, Tyler Dream or Frankie Bombshell. Frankie Bombshell and Tyler Dream stand behind the handcuffed villains, Tyler is looking around for another exit but there is none. Just then KW gets between Ick and his target. The plaything of God and The Living Dead Girl look at each other. There's no words, they didn't have anything to say that murder wouldn't say louder. They both ran at each other then fought.

Tyler holds up a plastic black toy gun at Ick before saying, "Uh....Ick, I don't want to hurt you." Ickbbar stabbed at KW but missed. She slashed at him but missed. "KW, sweetie, don't hurt Ick," Tyler begs KW as he looks away from Ick but still raises his fake gun. Frankie Bombshell whispered, "Let him die, he's holding you back." Tyler shakes while holding his plastic gun, he couldn't hurt Ick if he wanted to, although he really doesn't want to.

Pinky and Ye Bernard hold up plastic guns at the heroes, they try to look intimidating. The Butterfly hits a Single Leg Dropkick to Pinky, knocking him into Ye Bernard. The Butterfly ties up Pinky and Ye Bernard with a lasso. KW slashes at Ick then stuffing pours out. Ick backs off, he yelps, "I'm fine!!" Before immediately falling apart and over. Stuffing everywhere. KW stands up. She doesn't know how to feel.

Tyler drops his plastic gun then rushes over to Ick and picks him up, cradling with both paws. "Ick! ICK! WHY?!...." Tyler begins crying. Ickbbar looks to him, he coughs with something like pain, "Careful, I'm... my heart mine fall out." Tyler desperately tries to put the stuffing back inside Ick's body and keeping his heart inside of him. Hypno kneeled next to him. He patted his back as he assured his adopted son, "You can do this. It's OK to cry with all the pain you feel right now. I'm here for you, sonny boy."

"I'm sorry, I never wanted any of this," Tyler then looks at Frankie Bombshell, "Please stop this." Frankie Bombshell backed off without any words. Dr. Hypno looked at her, he raged, "Help him! Don't you care about your "friends" or anyone but yourself!? Do something!! Help him!!" Everyone looks at this scenario. "I give up, I don't want to be a villain," Tyler says as he approaches Frankie, "Please tell the other villains to stop fighting. I never wanted to hurt people."

Frankie Bombshell frowned for the first time in regret. She began to disappear as if a mere illusion. Her last words being, "I'm sorry Tyler, bad guys don't help anyone without a reason to benefit themselves. That's how villains are... I'm sorry." Slowly others began to disappear. Others like the Squad of Sinners with the Princess of Crime and Hooded Terror. They seemed concerned and confused at first but slowly accepted it. They hugged each other then were not.

Distracted by the scenario and without leadership by Frankie Bombshell, Tommy Riddle, a brown-furred ferret wearing a green suit with a black question mark pattern, a white undershirt with a dark purple tie, and matching green suit pants gets handcuffed by Super Stoat using power-dampening cuffs. Super Stoat handcuffs Killah Whale using power-dampening cuffs. "Everyone just....disappeared?" Jo King looks around confused.

"I guess that's the end of the battle," Tyler says now that the humans disappeared.

Hypno petted his son, he chuckled, "I'm not gone yet." Then he began to fade. He was surprised then assured. "I'm glad, I'm sorry this happened," Tyler tells Doctor Hypno then nuzzles into him. Then Hypno was... gone. "Hypno?" Tyler asks then looks around after not seeing him. Tyler looks down at Ick in his arms, before saying, "I have to fix you, I'm so sorry this happened."

The plaything chuckled then was more serious, "I'm not dead... Yet. Listen, the humans disappeared because of the effects of Frankie's summoning. Understood?" Tyler says, "I think I understand," Tyler then frowns as he begins carrying Ick out of the warehouse before saying, "You got hurt because of me, and I never wanted anyone hurt."

Ickbbar Critic Ted sadly sighed, "Nor did I." Tyler says while carrying Ick away, "I'm going to get you stitched up until you're all better," Super Stoat goes to stop Tyler but decides it's better to just transport the actual threats to Aster City Correctional Facility first.

The End

The Redemption of Tyler DreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora