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Stella and Rain walk into his room, Stella knew that it would be impossible to convince to let go of abigail as it was a supper recent tragedy for him, the only thing she knew she could is by numbing the pain with her presence, since rain came to Frostburn she was one of Rains closest friends, they both sit on the bed and Stella just keeps patting him and trying to convince him that the fall of Abigail wasn't his fault.''But it was my fault" said Rain, "i'm the one who don't think ahead and just wanted to end this as soon as possible". "Look positively rain, you killed a lot of other strong and dancers people who could have inflicted more damage, there's no changing what you did but you can fight on in Abigails memorie"Said Stella."I guess you're right, but I still need to take time to rethink everything i did with abigail in the thirteen years i knew her as a friend."."Yes rain that a good idea, i will be with you to make sure you have someone to lean back on and talk about Abigail"."Thank you stella, your the best"Said Rain as he started to fall asleep.

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