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After hours of sleeping with Stella for comfort, Rain finally woke up feeling a little better than before, which isn't saying much as he still missed her dearly but at the same time he wasn't crying over her, he stood up looking at Stella who reminded him a little of Abigail, with her long hair and blue eyes. He knew that he and Stella were only friends but he don't want to bring it up yet to ruin the one of the closet relations he has in the Frostbourne cassel, looking at the clock at his bedside he realized that there would be a meeting starting in a couple of minutes, pushing stella awake he asked her if she wanted to got"Hey Stella, do you want to go to the meeting between the higher ups'',"yes i think we should go learn about what is happening today around are kingdome''. Walking outside the room they slowly made it towards the doors to the meeting room, as they walk in they saw all 6 heads turn towards them.Sitting down next to each other Patrick officially started the meeting.''Thank you again for showing up to this meeting which were having, not like most times we actually have a lot of good news and some concerns about Glacerford, our scouts reported seeing a single nether portal open and a figure jump out wearing all black so they were not able to see there face, two of you wich we can decide latter will go to meet the person to see who they are to not risk losing any other less cable soldier like you. Next the Nether has lost some ground and its structure in the defeat of King Nause the pig king letting the army push them back''.Rain realized that the information of him killing Abigail was probably already told and he did this out of respect. Looking at Stella she realized Rain wasn't taking this news well so she asked Patrick if the person they spotted in Glasford hee and Rain could go and due together due to them not being good fighters and healers.Patrick agring said that They should leave first thing the next morning, they agree and left the room to discuss the mission, Rain thanking Stella for being with him now and this years made her happy, looking away she blushed at the idea of Rain likking her. Going to separate room they both went and fell asleep ready for tomorrow journey.

Rainimator(Rebirth)Book#1Where stories live. Discover now