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Abigail layed in bed of her boyfriend Rain, after the war which happened she and Rain both got really close, even more close than when they were living in there old village with their old lives, turning in bed she sees how Rain is also not sleeping and is just looking at her,"why are you not asleep Rain"i ask"did i wake you up","No sweat heart i just can't wait for are wedding tommorow","Gosh darn Rain your so cute when your worried", coming closer to Rain I embrace him and hug to make him embrace me to, do you want to do it Abigail"Rain ask me,"yes please" as I currently prepare to do it.

Secret message to reveal Book:2(Akuyenda kulowa mchipindamo, Nkhumba yemwe dzina lake ndi RAHA, wafitiyo anafunsa kuti, "muli bwino, ndikonze zolimbana nazo", "Ayi aloleni belive agonjetsedwa".)leave in comment if you figure it out, bye till next time.

Rainimator(Rebirth)Book#1Where stories live. Discover now