~The Beginning~

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I remember the day my parents left me here. I didn't know what was happening. I was just a child left with Aku and Shigna who were also just children. The mansion was huge and dark, dirty you could say. As if no one had lived in it for years. I never knew we had a mansion we always lived in a big house in town.

"I'm sorry my beautiful princess...there is enough food and clothing in here for you and the rest.."
I remember my mother told me. I felt tears coming down my cheeks as I didn't know why they were abandoning me. I wasn't alone but being in a huge place with just children. It wasn't quite the childhood I had in mind. Once my mother was done trying to comfort me she had gone by my father. Trying to hide her tears from child me. I could feel that she was upset but. I was more worried about what was happening. I could see my father walk up to me. He didn't look too happy either. I remember trying to reach for his arms. Hoping he would just pick me up and take us all back home. He bent down on one knee and hugged me so tightly.

"Zoey you are destined for great things. I'm sorry we have to leave you like this...one day you will understand..one day you will know your purpose and why this has to happen..we love you very much..you're safe here..you have your friends..please never leave this place until you are old enough..you will get a letter once you turn 18. Until then stay inside the mansion..your uncle will come every once in and while to watch/check in on you..give you food and whatever else you need."
My father said. Child, I didn't know why they were leaving. Why they wouldn't take us with them? Was it something I did wrong? I promise I won't do it again just take me with you. They left shutting the mansion doors. I tried to run after them but Aku and Shigna would hold me back. I was mad at them for that for days. Cried for weeks and was confused as to why they never came back. I never saw them again. Part of me couldn't feel their presence anymore. Maybe that was because they didn't come back and I was mad at them. I never knew it would be worse than that.
Years went on and just like Father said. My uncle would come by and give us food, drinks, clothing, and whatever else we needed. I would always try to ask him questions about his mother and father's disappearance. He never answered me back about it. Aku had found love with gardening. As I wasn't allowed outside as a child. Aku would find his way out and start planting. Planting flowers and shrubs around the mansion. Trying to make it look more lively. He would walk off and find seeds in the forest. Coming back to plant them closer to the mansion. I would watch him as I didn't have much to do inside the mansion. Sometimes I would help Shigna with cleaning the place up. We were children so we didn't clean a whole lot. Shigna though found her love with cleaning supplies. It seemed to calm her when she cleaned. I couldn't understand it honestly. I still had no clue what my purpose was to be here. Once we turned into teenagers another person came to the mansion. The first note I've ever got was. About a new person coming to work for me. Someone who knew how to cook and protect. There wasn't much background info about the man but the note came from my parent's organization. So I trusted the note and let the man in. The man was young and had long white hair. He was older than any of us but he didn't speak much. He was never a creep and was focused on his job as my butler. We didn't speak to him much as he wasn't a talker. We sure did love his food though and that seemed to cheer him up.

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