Chapter 2~ Cleaning Supplies

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Shigna the maid of the great mansion. A beautiful young woman who makes sure that everyone's clothes are clean. Wakes up feeling bubbly than ever. Not once did anyone see her in a bad mood. Always smiling no matter the occasion. She woke up when the other servants did. At this time Zoey would still be asleep. As she got up from her slumber. She would put on her maid's dress. She had all different sorts of maid dresses. Brushing her long brown silky hair. Then strapped on her shoes getting up and leaving the room. The first chore she started every morning before her breakfast was to clean Whisker's litter box. After she was done with that she would go and wash her hands. Then meeting up with the other two Aku and Kakashi. To have their breakfast and after they ate their breakfast that's when Zoey would usually start to wake up.

By the time Zoey and Whiskers would come down

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By the time Zoey and Whiskers would come down. The servants would already be at work. Shigna went to her supply closet that was in one of the long hallways downstairs. Grabbing her rolling cart that had various cleaning supplies. As well as a broom and mop, duster, and toilet scrubber. She went off to start on the bedrooms. Stripping down the beds and grabbing everyone's dirty laundry. She washed them all carefully and hung them up to dry. All are well organized and cleaned to perfection. After she was done with laundry she would go back to the bedrooms. Sweeping, mopping, and dusting the room making it polished and cleaned. Cleaning the rooms and doing the laundry usually took all morning. After she was done with the rooms including the empty guest rooms. She would head to the bathrooms and clean them to perfection as well. On her way out of the bathroom, she came across Zoey and Whiskers walking back upstairs.

"Good morning miss!"
Shigna smiled at Zoey while holding her bucket of supplies. Coming out of one of the main bathrooms upstairs. Zoey looked up and saw Shigna. Smiling back as she stopped in front of her.

"Good morning how is the cleaning going? Hopefully, it's not too much."
Zoey continued to smile at her as she stood still. Both her hands were behind her back. Shigna gave her bubbly smile as always and spoke.

"Oh miss it's never too much. You know how I love to do this. It's my job"
She said as she walked a little past her. Putting up her bucket of bathroom supplies. Zoey turned and watched her. Whiskers didn't say much but watched them talk. He sat by Zoey's feet since they weren't walking anymore. Shigna gasped and then looked down at Whiskers.

"I forgot! Hi Whiskers I feel so bad for not saying anything to you. Sometimes I forget your not just any normal cat."
She bowed to Whiskers as she asked for his forgiveness. Whisker's tail went up meaning he was happy.

"It's okay!"
Whiskers spoke back to her as he smiled in a cat way. Zoey watched Whiskers then looked back up at Shigna smiling.

"Well if you need anything. You always know to call me and I'll help with anything."
She smiled as she started to walk away again. It looked like she was heading to her office with Whiskers. Who followed next to her closely. Shigna watched them go before heading downstairs. She started to dust off the rooms downstairs. Making sure everything was squeaky clean on every surface. As she was cleaning she could see Aku outside. He was watering the flowers around the mansion. He didn't notice her but she smiled at him. She walked back to her cart to grab her cleaning bottle. As she picked it up she noticed it felt super light. She unscrewed the top and looked inside. It was empty seemed like she had used it all already. She put it down and dug through the other bottles. Almost all of them felt empty. She frowned and thought for a second. She left her cart downstairs as she headed back upstairs. Walking towards Zoey's office and knocking on the door.

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