Chapter 4~ Here Kitty

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Whiskers was sleeping peacefully at the end of Zoey's bed. Until he heard a high-pitched noise. Whiskers raised his head and his ears went back. He was trying to figure out what the noise was. He looked back at Zoey to see if she was awake. See if she was hearing the noise too. She wasn't awake she was still asleep. Whiskers wanted to check it out to make sure that there wasn't any danger. He got up and stretched before jumping off the bed. Looking around and listening for the noise again. It was a hot minute before the noise was heard again. Whiskers quickly ran to the door as he heard the noise outside the door. Whiskers didn't want to wake Zoey but he was determined to find out what the noise was. He scratched the door gently and opened it a crack. Sliding through and looking out in the dark hallway. It was the middle of the night and everyone was in bed. Whiskers smelled the air and looked around. He heard the noise again and started to walk towards it.

   The noise was heading its way into the kitchen

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The noise was heading its way into the kitchen. Whiskers continue to follow the noise while being cautious. Slowly peeling his head around the corner of the entrance to the kitchen. Then finally I saw what the noise was. Across from Whiskers was a little mouse eating cheese that had fallen off from the counter. Whisker's eyes widened as he got into hunting mode. His ears went back and he got low to the ground. Targeting the mouse and not moving his eyes off of it. He watched the mouse eat the cheese while making its high-pitched noise. Whisker's pupils widened as he then darted for the mouse. The mouse was quick to notice the multi-colored beast coming towards it. The mouse ran leaving the piece of cheese behind. Running around the kitchen and trying to find a way out. Whiskers ran after the mouse sliding and slipping along the kitchen floor. The mouse caught eyes with an exit and started to run for it. Though the mouse wasn't smart enough. Whiskers had blocked the way and caught the mouse. Spending a few minutes playing with it. Batting the mouse around and even throwing it in the air. Eventually, the mouse died from dizziness. Whiskers was proud of the hunt. He hasn't caught something in quite a while. He kept the small mouse inside his mouth. Trotting back upstairs and to Zoey's room. When he jumped back on the bed he had put the mouse right next to her. She was still asleep so she had no clue what Whisker's had just done. Whiskers purred and went back to his spot at the end of her bed. Yawning and laying down by her feet. For a little bit, Whiskers would watch the mouse. Still thinking somehow it was still alive and it might come back to life. It didn't so eventually Whiskers did fall back asleep.

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