Who's Lenny?

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Slacker: "You see that guy in the back? The one who looks like he's twenty years divorced and his teenage kids hate him. His name's Lenny. I've talked to him a couple times in different countries. He always seems to randomly be around at the same place we are, no matter where it is. Weird coincidence isn't it?"

John: "What? You're divorced and your kids hate you?"

"No I said... nevermind."


Slacker: "I'm not sure I like Malaysia. I've seen too many black cats here. It's bad luck, I tell you. We should leave for Thailand, it's the same thing anyway. Oh look, here's Lenny again. Hi Lenny! Weird seeing you here huh? Didn't I see you back in that pool in Istanbul a couple months ago?"

John: "Who's Lenny?"


Slacker: "Phew. Those yakuza motherfuckers almost got to us, huh? That was a close one! Say, isn't that Lenny in that convenience store? Hey! Lenny! Weird seeing you here huh? It's us! Remember us?"

John: "Who?"


Lenny was a CIA agent.
He was sent after John to catch him and bring him back to America, so he can be sentenced for his crimes.
He followed them around everywhere they went, wasting many years of his life.
Every time he tried to catch them with the help of local law enforcement, they somehow got away.
They were moving too fast and too high for him to be able to catch them.
The situations they were in were always too dangerous and outright unprofessional for him to get himself involved.
So he'd always sit back and watch from a safe distance, hoping for that one right moment when he could finally get the job done.
When he overheard John proposing his plan to get revenge on his old acquaintance to Slacker in a bar, he went on ahead and warned Goldmouth about John's plan in hopes of getting John killed right there and then, so that he could finally go back to his home in America.
After things didn't turn out the way he expected and he followed John back to his main house in Michigan, he was ought to finally bring him to justice.
He was very ashamed of having failed his job all those years, and was destined to catch John himself, even though he knew how dangerous the man was.

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