Her first appearance

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Mid-morning, Underground

Levi's small, cold body was shaking as he hugged his knees to his chest. His mother had been sitting in her bones for weeks on end. He had been looking for scraps of food throughout the area but couldn't seem to find enough to last a week. He couldn't seem to find a reason to keep going in the hell-hole he was living in. How could he? What was he living for?

The door open quietly revealing a girl about his age. She wore a short blue dress with puffy sleeves and daises embroidered all around the skirt and top. She had small beige flats on her feet with a shiny white headband. She seemed to be carrying a basket. The girl reminded Levi of a fairy—something like the ones his mother used to tell him.

He scooted away to the back corner of the room and hid his face. He tried making himself look as small as possible while looking stupid at the same time.

"There is no use hiding when I can already see you." Her voice had a weird accent.

Levi peeked his head from his hands "Why do you talk like that? Is that part of being a fairy."

She laughed at his innocence; it was soft and dainty. It was nothing like the bar men whom his mother worked for or the thieves when they had succeeded a mission.

"No, dear, I am not a fairy. And for my accent well...try not to worry too much about it."

Levi worried a little less, but was still confused "Why have you come here? To steal our things?"

"No. I am here to help you. I have noticed you have been eating scraps from the outside. Do you know what sanitary means? It means to be clean and hygienic."

She placed the basket down. It was filled with assortments of bread, crackers, and canteens of fresh clean water. That was enough for Levi to at least half a year. He scrambled to touch the items. They were all sealed and packaged in small bags tied with satin ribbon.

"H-how did you find these?" He looked at her in shock as he picked one up.

The girl pointed to the ceiling "From above, you can buy as many as you want when you go above ground."

Levi looked at her in confusion once again "But I'm never going to go up there. I'd never be rich enough to go there, and even if I escaped, the MP's will surely catch me."

She smirked slightly "How do you know those are the only ways to get up there?"

"I don't know."

"Exactly. Nothing is this world is ever known. How is it we have day and night? How is it that we are the only population living inside the walls? Why are people still living in the underground?

Levi was silently as he processed what she had said. He didn't everything of course, but he knew what he knew, and that was that.

"Enjoy your food, I must take my leave now."

"Wait—" He stopped before she could go any further "What is your name? Will I see you again?"

"You may see me again tomorrow, or you may not."

The girl sighed as she turned herself to face him "My name is Agnes, it was nice talking to you Levi."

Agnes gently closed the door behind her as Levi sorted the food, not even realizing how she had known his name. It had felt like he had been touched by an angel. Direct sunlight shining around him.


Midnight, Scout Headquarters

Levi awoke to feel the same sunlight at his face. Until he realized it was the middle of the night, and the sun couldn't shine there.

"Agnes.." He repeated touching his face "Who are you?"

Someone who watches over me (Levi Ackerman x oc)Where stories live. Discover now