The day she came back

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Mid-day, Underground

Isabel and Farlan went away to grab some supplies while Levi stayed inside to tidy things up. It was a new habit of his that was his personal favorite. Agnes was strict on being clean and always used the word sanitary—which means to be clean or hygienic. That spiraled into Levi's habits many of the time. He always thought a little bit of her.

After Kenny had left, Levi had to fend for himself for the remainder of his life. He then encountered Farlan and he stuck around for a while. Recently they had encountered Isabel as well, and she decided to join their little group. He didn't take anything for granted nor did he get too attached.

The door opened gently as Levi turned with lightning speed. It revealed a woman with white cotton dress with a corset attached to it. It had maroon flowers on the top and had a mesh long sleeve top underneath. In her arm, was  a signature basket.

It was her. She had come back. Agnes was here again. He had his knife in his pocket as he looked at her with disbelief.

"Is there a reason that you come back now you brat?" He walked a little closer to her face. She had not changed since ten years ago.

"Wow. I come back for the first time and this is what you say to me. I thought I taught you better proper etiquette." She placed her basket on the floor as she crossed her arms.

He sighed as he stepped back "Well what am I supposed to say? You leave me for ten years without some kind of explanation and now you decide to come back with open arms. Do you think so little of me?"

"There is a reason for everything Levi," Agnes' eyes narrowed down "you have yours and I have mine."

"So what are you gonna do to 'help' me huh? I have enough food, I have shelter, I'm not alone, and I'm most certainly not a scared defenseless child anymore."

"If you wanted me to leave so badly just say that." She took the basket in her hands and walked out the door.

Levi was getting more frustrated by the minute "I didn't say that Agnes!" She turned back slowly blinking her eyes.

"Very well then. I have encountered more items from above and have decided to gift them to you." She held out her arms to where the basket would reach him.

Levi shook his head "I don't need your pity Agnes."

"It's not pity it's being unfeigned."

Levi stood in silence processing what that word meant.

Agnes sighed "It's means to be sincere or genuine."

"What's in the basket then?"

"I'm glad you asked," She placed each item on the side table "I've found cloth, string, and needles."

"What's with all this?" Levi was confused on these assortments but he knew she had a reason for it.

"To sew obviously," Levi had a blank stare at her "don't tell me you've never sewed before."

The next few minutes was Agnes teaching Levi how to sew a cravat since she knew he was going to be a fast learner. And she was correct. After the cravat was done, she taught him how to embroider things inside of the linen. He sewed L for the first letter of his name. She tied it around his neck as he touched it slightly with his hand.

"It's nice."

"I'm glad." Agnes smiled as she held his shoulders. "I must leave now, your friends might be coming back."

Levi gripped her hand "Hey, where you going off to again."

Agnes pulled her hand away from his as she grabbed the basket "If your friends find out I'm here, I will surely be in peril."

Levi couldn't understand that word either but pushed that aside to assess the situation at hand.

"Can you at least tell me why your leaving?"

"I can't do that I'm afraid," she shook her head "I can't control where I go. Life is an ocean and I am pulled by the tide."

"What is that even supposed to mean?"

"Forget about it Levi, goodbye." She walked out the door while Levi trailed behind her. When he opened the door, she was nowhere to be found. He then heard the voice of two bickering teens.

"I caught it first Farlan!" It was Isabel's annoyingly rakish voice.

"No you didn't you liar!" That was Farlan's calm and steady voice.

Levi sighed as he walked towards them, still thinking about how Agnes had left so quickly as she had came.

Someone who watches over me (Levi Ackerman x oc)Where stories live. Discover now