To worship or to not

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Greece, The city of Athens

We split our country into city states but we didn't have a name for ours. The people wanted someone they could worship, but it hadn't come to them yet. I was born with the name Agnes Creed. I was an intellectual girl as some would say, but it didn't really matter to me what anyone said.

I remember a day so clearly. I was picking berries on the west side of a cliff where it met the Mediterranean Sea when I accidentally nudged my leg on a rock making me fall off the cliff into the ocean. After I had drowned, I was awakened by a god named Zeus. He was the god of the sky and thunder.

Zeus said I looked exactly like a golden child of his and decided to bring me back to life as a goddess. To this day I'm not even sure why he would bring me back to life. I was a random innocent child with the mind of an adult. I wasn't meant to be a goddess, but I was.

When I came back to my city state, the people were shocked to see I had come back. They praised me as a goddess because I had defied death. Later, I realized I had immense skill and power in my fighting and my wisdom. I fought in wars with my people and came back victorious. Therefore, they named my city state Agnes.

It was then that I had fallen in love. A man named Lex Alston. He was exactly like you Levi. He had darker hair, cold eyes, and a rough outlook. I remember the day I went on that cliff where I had died and he found me there. We had talked and wanted to get married soon after. I told him my weakness as a secret since we would marry soon. Amethyst blinds me and causes me to slow down. Amethyst had been rare to find so it never happened. This turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life.

A war a broke out between Sparta and Agnes when Lex had left me. I thought he had died and was to never return. I was heartbroken but continued on my duties.

The final battle revealed the truth of the people of Agnes. When I saw the Spartans, I saw Lex. He shined the Amethyst straight at me and I was blinded. This caused my whole army to be massacred with only a couple of survivors. I was fighting physical and emotional pain at the same time.

Lex was someone I had loved and trusted to share my secret. And he used it against me. I was angry but also saddened. I couldn't kill
Lex. I don't know why I just couldn't.

When our troops came back, the survivors had told the story and the people had rioted against me. They ridiculed me and threw rocks at me for being so weak. At some point, a new warrior came into play. A goddess named Athena. She was the daughter of Zeus and the true protectress of the people. She was like me, but far wiser and stronger. She didn't share her weaknesses and won every single battle against the Spartans. They renamed their city Athens. They created temples and statues and traditions all connected to her.

I felt like I was worthless after being pushed away. I left the city of Athens after the people had forgotten about me. I still had my goddess powers so I could go wherever I wanted and do whatever I could. But I couldn't. I lost hope in everything until a traveler walked past me one day.

Someone who watches over me (Levi Ackerman x oc)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora