The changes of the tide

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Late afternoon, Macedonia

I learned in the books I had read over time that the moon changes the way the tide moves. The tide doesn't have a say, the moon controls the it. That is how my life had always been like and still is today.

I ran away to Macedonia after being sick of Greece. A traveler saw me sitting on the side of the road when he sat down next to me. The elder was named Nestor. I shared my life as he shared his. I remember the words he said clearly.

"You know, goddess or not, everyone is deserving of love. And that love starts with yourself."

I thanked Nestor as he continued to travel on. I never thought of looking at life that way, so I decided to change that. I became more optimistic and wiser and stronger. I never came back to Greece ever again as I continued moving north. My mission was to help the lowly and needy as much as I could. I had to use my powers for some use.

I lived for centuries. And centuries later the rest of humanity lay inside the walls as Titans surrounded it. I still had to help people, even inside the wall. One day, I heard of the people living in the underground. I realized I would try to help people as much as I could down there. You, Levi, were the first. I knew the past, present, and future of your life so I predicted to know where to come in. My duty is to serve the person until they die.

My life isn't as spectacular as some others but it's what I had and that is what it shall be. I learned a lot in my years but it didn't stop me from doing what I love, helping people.


Levi stared with his eyebrows together for a long time. It certainly answered most of his questions but he was still in shock.

"Can you at least stay?" This was a question Levi had been thinking about for a long time.

"I'm afraid you will die and I will be heartbroken. I am also immortal so I could never stay forever."

Levi bowed his head slightly "Why do you feel that way?"

"Because I am in love with you."

Levi scoffed slightly before chuckling quietly. Agnes had a small pout on her face.

"What's so funny about that?"

"I, I am too." He said this while looking blankly at her. Agnes mirrored him as she took his hands in hers.

"Is there a way you can become human?"

"Yes, but it could take years before I ever come back to you."

Levi squeezed her hands "I'll wait forever then."

"Thank you." A tear rolled down her cheek as Levi wiped it away.

In a swift motion, their lips connected. It was short and sweet as Agnes smiled in it. They came apart just as quickly as they had started.

They walked out of headquarters quietly before sending her to the edge of Wall Rose. They climbed on top of the wall as Agnes jumped down below and ran towards where Wall Maria would be.

"Come back or else I'm gonna kill you."

"I will!" Agnes happily ran away while giggling slightly. She had found Lex again, just a different version of him.

Someone who watches over me (Levi Ackerman x oc)Where stories live. Discover now