Her comfort days

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Evening, Survey Corps rooms

Levi sat in silence all by himself. His whole squad had been murdered by the female Titan. He remembered a feeling similar to this, it was when Isabel and Farlan had been killed. The feeling of grief and regret. Levi had thought he'd grown past that, but he hadn't. He didn't let this affect him, but he was entitled to his own emotions as well.

He could still hear Isabel's "Aniki!" Or Farlan's "Levi!" when he was in the quiet of his thoughts. The emptiest part of his mind.

Levi stood up and walked outside of the headquarters into the city. Wall Rose was peaceful on the east side of town. He'd gone there to get bread and crackers and cloth and needles. He never made a new cravat though. It was a gift from Agnes.

Levi soon reached a large tree on a small hill. Two birds had laid their nest atop and four squirrels were chasing each other. It reminded him a lot of his comrades. He didn't believe much in reincarnation, but he did believe the deceased could give small messages to people on earth. Maybe this was one of them.

As he slumped next to the trunk, he felt a sense of peace wash over. It was like all the emotions he had felt prior to had them disappeared. Levi looked the other direction. He was shocked to see Agnes sitting on a swing attached to the tree with vines and flowers.

"Gah! What the hell Agnes? Why do you just appear out of nowhere!"

She touched the sides of the swing "I know you are hurting."

"You don't know a damn thing about me."

"Yes I do Levi. You regret letting Isabel and Farlan go on the expedition. You regret not turning back from your squad not even realizing one of them was dead. You don't let these regrets affect you, but they are still stuck in the corners of your mind." Agnes bowed her head and leaned it against the swing.

Silence fell over the two. Something they both had needed.

"Fine, maybe I do regret some things."

"You know better than anyone else that it is not your fault. We can do whatever we can but we will never know the outcome until it appears in our faces."

"I do."

Agnes smiled looking up. She put out her arm as the two birds rested on her fingers. The squirrels had ran up to make a small nesting area in her lap. It was humbling and peaceful.

"Your comrades," the birds flew away and the squirrels ran down "are with you. In you heart. It is the living who give life to the dead. Their memories, their dreams, their lives, all rest on the shoulders of us."


Levi watched the sunset until it was about halfway down. He stood up from the tree, dusted himself off, and left Agnes there. He knew by some inhuman way, she would appear in his room by the time he got back.

Levi turned back to see Agnes slightly waving at him. He lent her a smile and continued on his journey home.


Levi tucked himself into the comfort of his own bed. He remembered the endless nights of hard wood floor that he had slept on. Times were different now, he wasn't in the underground.

Levi felt the bed dip a little as he turned around to see Agnes's body laying next to him in a white cotton night gown. Any other person would mistake her for a protagonist from a fairy tale.

"You always attempt to surprise me huh."

She scooted closer to him "It's what I do."

Levi cuddled slightly next to her "Why are you here?"

"I felt the need to be here." She shifted herself in a more comfortable position. Agnes kissed the top of his head before laying herself in the crook of his neck. Levi shuddered at the feeling.

"Goodnight Levi."

"Goodnight Agnes."

Someone who watches over me (Levi Ackerman x oc)Where stories live. Discover now