When she dissapeared

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Afternoon, Underground

After the days went by, Agnes came and went. She was there, and then she wasn't. It confused the heck out of Levi. Agnes was a weird girl. She never explained things more than it should be and was scolding him on etiquette even though she knows he's living in the underground. She also left him with philosophical and deep questions to think about after she had left. But she always came back.

But one day, she never returned. He had felt betrayed and hurt. Why did she do this? Was he being too needy? Too unsanitary? Not dainty enough? A million thoughts ran through his head. His food ran out and he was hungry. He sat in the corner once again when the door swung open.

It's was a man in a brown trench coat and hat. Levi wasn't sure if he was from above or under ground but he went straight up to his mother to take a good look at her.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey.."

"Damn, you've lost a ton of weight since last time, Kuchel."

Those were the first words that came out of his mouth to his late mother. He could not bear to see him talk like that.

"She's dead." Levi interrupted the silence with his voice.


The man turned to see Levi huddled against the corner, hugging his knees. He was on the brink of death. Skinny and pale.

"And you? Are you alive?" Levi hated that. It was like he was mocking him in comparison to his dead mother. When he didn't respond, he spoke again.

"Hey, hey gimme a damn break...You hear me don'tcha?"

The silence was there yet again.

"Gotta name?"

He felt the need to respond here "Levi, just Levi."

The man dropped his back as he leaned against the wall. He slid down a bit before stopping midway "I get it Kuchel. That's true..."

"Not worth using your name.." He finally slid all the way down so that he met the same height as Levi sitting down.

"I'm Kenny, just Kenny. I used to know Kuchel."

A blank stare mirrored him as Kenny continued to speak.

"Nice to meetcha."

Over the past few days, he had tried to forget about Agnes as he was being trained by Kenny. He was given plenty of food, but not as much as what Agnes used to give him. Levi was taught many things. Knife swinging and fighting was all Levi knew anymore.

It was all in a daze when he had realized Kenny had also left him. He was lonely in this world once again. It was time to learn to not hold onto things for too long. Nothing ever lasts forever. He had learned that from Agnes long ago. It was something he had to understand and something he had to learn from.


Morning, Survey Corps Mess Hall

Levi sat at his table with Erwin on the other side. This part of the mess hall was separate from the other cadets, to give themselves more privacy. A couple of seconds later, Hange bursts through the door with Moblit dragging behind her. Levi felt some sort of sympathy for him.

"Hey everyone! How are you doing?" She placed her tray down with a loud thud and everyone in the room stared at her. She apologized slightly but could Levi be any more embarrassed.

"I'm doing well Hange." Erwin continued to eat his loaf of bread and Hange dug into hers. She was getting excited to do another experiment.

"Stop eating like a fat pig four eyes." He rolled his eyes as he took tiny bites of his. It was something he had learned from Agnes.

"To be a proper noble, they always eat their food in small pieces like this." She took her piece of bread and ate small chunks slowly. She didn't have her mouth open and she chewed and swallowed quietly.

"Oh come on Levi! It's 5 in the morning!"

"Oh shut up." He felt the direct sunlight hit his face once again. It was like Agnes was there, but not physically.

Someone who watches over me (Levi Ackerman x oc)Where stories live. Discover now