Author's note

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Dear readers,

Hi everyone who has read this story. First and foremost I just want to say thank you for reading all the way through. Sorry if it seems rushed or would be better if it had stretched out a little longer. I've had this trope idea for a really long time and just wanted to write it down.

I'm not sure what holds in the future since a lot of stuff might be going. If you want, you can always follow to stay tuned if I ever post a new story. Maybe a one shots book (kind of like a spin off) or a whole nother story.

Hear are some anime's I have seen in case you might be looking forward to something (underlined are anime's I might write more of):

•Attack on Titan
•Demon Slayer
•Violet Evergarden
•Diabolik Lovers
•Vampire Knight

I've probably seen more but these are just some of the ones I can think of the top of my head. Shout out to @pinkyparidise and check out her profile to see what she writes on there. She is a mutual of mine and has helped a lot on this fic.

Fun fact: I actually envisioned Agnes to sound a little transatlantic or like Alice in Wonderland, until I had the idea to make her Greek. I don't know it was just the vibe she had going on. Also I wrote this immediately after my Greek Unit in History so I knew a little bit of Greek Mythology beforehand. The research wasn't too helpful so I sort of filled in the blanks here and there.

Thanks again for reading, hope it wasn't too boring and I hope to see you around!

With love,
Crimsonrxes (Rose)

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