The Revenge

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After Stripetail's death it was night now everyone was dead asleep so I made my move I know I'm still wrapped in cobwebs cause of my wounds but I don't care I got up out of the medic den and went to the same spot in the forest where me and Stripetail were ambushed. I was walking around with my guard up waiting for the same scent of those cats till I got their scent it was only 1 cat but still its enough for me for my revenge. When I looked around finally I saw the cat that the scent was coming off of I got closer to the cat I was right behind him/her then they just turned around starring at me I snarled and got in my fighting stance. I got a closer look and it was a shecat and she was really pretty I just looked at her in awe then she spoke. 'Who are you and why are you here?' She said. I replyed by saying. 'I should be asking you the same question you are in Iceclan territory you know.' She looked at me then looked around the forest and yelped in surprised I was kinda confused. She then said. 'I am so sorry I didn't know my leader told me to come here and patrol I didn't know that I came onto your land by mistake I'm so sorry!!!' She said over and over again I kinda got annoyed with her by apologizing alot. I then said. 'Its ok you didn't know I won't hurt you. You have my word and my name is Death.' I said to her dipping my head in respested to her she did the same and said her name was River. What a beautiful name for a beautiful shecat I said in my head we both jump by a yowl b/c we where both on different worlds she than realized that it was her clan mates tell her to come back so we said are goodbyes and left. You know what I forgot about my revenge I said in my head again kinda mad at myself.


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