Death's POV

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It had been a couple of months since that day.... River and I had mated but she never fell pregnant with kits to say her and I were sad. We continued to try here and there, but I have concerns that she might never be with kits.. I sighed as I looked up at the night sky it's peaceful out nice cool weather.

Peace in the lands, a lovely mate and a wonderful clan it continues to grow by the day. The only thing that is missing in my life are kits of my own I know that River feels the same but it's nothing we can help if it's meant to be then it will happen some day. I looked down at the moons reflection in the river so much on my mind I left the Clan to clear my head closing my eyes I let out a huff of despair.

"What am I to do...?" I spoke aloud to no one more to myself. My ears twitch to a sound of rustling bushing to my right. I stood up and went into a defensive stance. "Show yourself!" I announced. The rustling stopped, my pelt bristled being on edge. "I said show yourself!!" I yelled getting a bit aggravated.

"Hehe" a low chuckle came from the bush. "This is your last warning show yourself!!" I said. "Now we're is the fun in that?" A deep voice responded. I snarled. "I said show yourself!!" I was loosing my patience with this unknown stranger.

"Now now Deathstar no need to get all pissy." A dark chuckle came after he spoke. "Who are you? And how do you know who I am?" I asked still on guard ready for anything. "Hehe, I am just a Tom whose looking for something is all." He said.

"That doesn't answer anything I asked! Either answer me or I kill you!" I threatened to which he just laughed. "Oh my I haven't laughed like that in for ever thank you for that!" I snarled "ENOUGH!" I yelled at him.

"Oh fine. No need to be a buzz kill. I am Nobody for I am a nobody." He said. To which I tilted my head. "What..?" I asked. "Nobody you asked who I am to which I replied with 'Nobody' cuz I am a nobody understand now?" He let a light laugh out.

An erk mark showed up on my forehead for I was getting annoyed by this 'unknown Tom' "Ok 'Nobody' how do you know who I am?" I asked again. "Simple I have been watching you and your clan for awhile now..." he revealed.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "I've been watching you since day one." He said. "Day one? As in since I was born?" I asked. "Yes." He answered. I heard more rustling in the other bushes around me. I turned and looked around at the other bushes and saw glowing eyes looking back at me. I couldn't say how many but I knew I was outnumbered.

I snarled ready for a fight. "Hehe I see you've noticed my friends. Good for you!" He exclaimed. "Why are you here! What do you want?!" I yelled. He just laughed. Hearing the bush rustle where he was I waited and watched as he finally revealed himself.

He was a ashy gray Tom with a huge scar and his side and black socks. His eyes or eyes I should say was a mossy green color and he had no tail. His laughing stopped when he was in front of me. He was shorter than I which he didn't seem to care about.

"Simple...I want what you have..." his voice dark and deep. I narrowed my eyes and snarled. "You'll never have what I have." I snarled his way. He chuckled. "Are you sure?" He questioned.

"Cause it looks like I'm already taking it." He exclaimed while looking at something behind me. Confused I turned around and noticed smoke in the sky where the Camp is at.

"No!" I exclaimed turning to run towards my Clan. I didn't even make it  but a few feet a head of me till my path was blocked by other cats. I snarled angrily at them. "Move or die!" I yelled at them. They just laughed. I turned back to the ashy gray Tom. "What do you want!" I yelled. "I told you Death I want what you have. Which to me looks like I already have it!" He laughed.

I snarled and leaped at him pinning him my paw on his chest and my claws sinking into him. "You won't have anything of mine! Not while I'm alive!" I yelled. "I thought you might say that." He left and clawed the side of my face causing me to let him go.

I shook it off and went at him again. We were locked in combat nothing but claws, teeth, yowls, and fur flying. His companions stood by and watched not seemingly worried for him.

After awhile I finally found an opening and went for it my claws ready to sink into his flesh. He just smirked at me. "Goodbye Death!" He exclaimed. All I felt was sear red hot pain in my underbelly. I landed on my paws a few feet from him and staggered not knowing what will happened.

Not till I coughed up some blood and looked down... he'd sliced me open from below. My version blurred he'd used my move from so long ago. I coughed up some more blood and kept standing.

"My my your still standing even after I used your own move on yourself!" He laughed. I snarled weakly at him. "I'm not done yet!" I yelled. He just laughed then he stopped and spoke. "Bring her!" He yelled.

"Let me go!" I heard her voice before I saw her. My vision still blurry from the blood I'm loosing. "No River! Let her go!" I yelled. I finally see her and she's being held by two toms. "Death! Are you alright my love!" She yells worriedly.

"I'm fine my dear tis just a flesh wound." I stated not wanting her to worry. He just laughed. "Oh poor Death don't lie to her! Just go ahead and tell her that your dying!" He said while walking towards her. "Let her go!" I yelled again getting harder to focus now.

"Hmm I don't think I will. I told you I was gonna take everything from you. Even your gorgeous mate!" He nuzzles her face as she tries to pull away. "Leave her alone!!!" I yelled.

"You know... I was gonna take her as my mate but now that I think about it.." he paused mid sentence and claws her throat out in front of my eyes. "NOOOOO!!!!" I screamed. "I don't think I will! Hehe" he begins to laugh at my face as I watch my mates life leave her eyes.

"You'll pay for this your bastard!!!" I yelled and charged at him with what strength I had left. I rammed into him and bit into his neck with all I had left in me. He lifted himself up some and tossed me off of him even though I was bigger than him.

I landed right next to her my eyes locked on her lifeless ones "River...." I said softly. "Hehe goodbye Death. I'll reunite you with her!" He laughed.

Next thing I know is darkness...

The Story Of Death A Tom In BloodclanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang