Silver Night

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The mysterious and enigmatic moon crowned the dark sky, like every night, my heart beats while contemplating it, even though, tonight, my heartbeat is louder than usual, cause today, finally, I'll tell Zee how much I love him and ask him to be my boyfriend.

I've been trying to gather the courage to do it over the last five months.

And tonight, my friend Tin will have a party and he convinced me to go and take advantage to confess my feelings towards him.

I was anxious, what if he doesn't like me? what if he rejects me? what will I do then?

He is the kindest, sweetest, and most charming boy I have ever met, besides, being extremely popular at the University.

I don't know if it is the right thing to confess my feelings, cause I'm just an ordinary boy, very shy, one would say that even invisible, but I cannot continue being quiet anymore, cause these feelings that I have inside, grow more and more every day, so much that the pain I feel inside is destroying me, so I need to try, even if everything goes wrong.

I must be brave! I must follow my heart, and everything will turn out well.

It was time, so I took a deep breath and told myself - You can do it! -

When I entered the party, I saw him talking to his friends, he looked so handsome and charismatic that suddenly, I was left without air in my lungs, when one of our classmates, Julia, asked him to dance.

Zee seemed incredibly happy with her, his hands were holding her waist firmly and they were so close. They didn't stop laughing and smiling at each other, I tried to refrain my tears from coming out, but I couldn't anymore when I saw that they were kissing, a kiss full of lust and passion, they didn't even care they were doing it in front of everyone, 

I could almost hear my heart breaking into million pieces, I couldn't stand it anymore and I ran away from there.

The pain was horribly intense, and I couldn't stop crying, I didn't want anyone to see me like this, so I took my coat and left the place, I just wanted to run as far as I could, nothing really mattered anymore.

I started walking into the forest, the cold was becoming unbearable with the passing of time. I sat on a big rock that was there and lifted my gaze up to the firmament.

My dear Moon, what am I going to do with all the love I feel inside? that now it has become the greatest pain I have ever felt.

Tell me how to survive with a broken heart?

I was so sad, but out of the blue, as if the Moon tried to comfort me, it started to snow. It was so beautiful and mesmerizing. The snow hadn't seemed so stunning like tonight. It was as if my dear friend were crying with each snowflake that fell from the sky.

I felt a little calmer until I heard a howling, it looked like it wasn't far away from me.

I stood up and started to run as fast as I could, the howling sounded even nearer, I tried to climb down a slope, but it was notably steep, so I slipped and hurt my left hand.

I was terrified, it looked like today wasn't my day at all.

I tried standing up, but when I was about to do it, a big silver wolf jumped onto me.

I was frightened to the core, it had me under his big body, immobilizing me. I was able to see his sharp teeth, he was growling, he looked beyond scary and his dark gray eyes, almost black, seemed like absorbing my soul into its deep gaze.

My death was certain, so I just closed my eyes and wished for this to be over soon, but to my surprise, the wolf sniffed me for a good amount of time and then, retreated.

Five minutes had passed since he got off my body, I opened my eyes, but he wasn't there anymore.

"He disappeared into thin air as if he were just an illusion"

But my body hurt, which confirmed that this bizarre experience had been real, the most important thing is that I had survived, although, I don't know how I did it.

I stood up and started walking towards Tin's house. I took my time to get there but I was taken by surprise when I finally arrived.

-Pete, where have you been? - my heart hurt with just seeing him. - We've been looking for you everywhere! -

-Sorry Zee! I just went for a walk. -

-You really made us worry! - he seemed very preoccupied- but what happened to your hand?!-

-Don't worry, it's nothing! - I tried to hide my hand, but the blood gave me away.

-Pete, you're bleeding! Let me help you, my friend knows something about medicine, I'll call him. -

When Zee left the place, I could breathe again.

Why is this so hard? When I thought that everything was already complicated enough, something else happened.

Zee was coming back with a friend I had never seen before. He was extremely attractive, his strange aura, mysterious and intimidating, radiated from him, his eyes looked at me in an extremely dangerous way that I felt I had died for real.

-Pete, he is my friend - the sole presence of this stranger was imposing. 

-Hello, I'm Ae Intouch, it's a pleasure to meet you. -

-I am Pete - I tried my best to be calm, but his gaze was burning me.

I couldn't avoid looking at his smile, it was so sexy and bedazzling. I don't know why, but when I look at him, he reminds me of the wolf.

This guy made me feel strange but a part of me was curious to know, why did he affect me so much?

I didn't know that my curiosity would be my biggest mistake...


Translator's note: Today is the anniversary of this incredible story as well as the birthday of the talented author who wrote it. So, I hope that this will be a happy surprise for her.  Bambamjck I hope you have an excellent birthday and that you'll be thrilled to see the English version of this story posted already.

I'll continue with the updates little by little, and I hope you all enjoy it!!!

Bambamjck Espero queue passes un feliz cumpleaños y que estes feliz por la publicación de la versión en inglés de esta hermosa historia.

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