Blood Ties

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Coming back home, after so long, made me feel a little frightened cause I knew that the moment I put a step inside that mansion, I would be in danger.

When I arrived, I realized that nothing had changed, it was the same cold and grim mansion from years ago, which looked as if it had ghosts.

When we were kids, Zee, Can and I always played in the forest, because playing inside the house was scary.

Our uncles looked like real demons and our grandparents were so cruel and strict that by only glancing at them, you could know there was no love inside their hearts.

I was always the defendant of everyone, even when I felt terrified, but I couldn't allow my brother and Can to be harmed by anyone.

Tum was the one in charge of always bothering us and Trump enjoyed playing pranks on us and scaring us all the time, finding a way to beat us up, but I was never calm about this.

To defend the people I love, I became a tiger, even if I was just a kitten on the inside.

Today, I would have to use that strength to get myself out of here unharmed, because I knew that nothing good could come from talking to my grandfather.

The door opened and I felt a goosebump crawling on my back, it was as if the doors of hell had been opened before me, I took a deep breath and entered, ready to not allow anyone to step on me again.

- Young Ae, it's wonderful that you have come back - the family butler greeted me.

- Hello Aof, it seems like time has frozen here, you look the same as the last time I saw you.

- And you're still as kind as always young master. You make this old butler feels satisfied by knowing that even when I couldn't see you grow, my young master has become a good man. - his words were sincere.

- Thanks a lot, Aof. Where is grandfather?

- Master is waiting for you in his office. - he pointed to the door.

While I was walking towards it, sad memories from my time away from here flooded my mind and they transformed into fury and a wave of great anger.

After all this time, I was going to be in front of my biggest enemy.

When I opened the door, I saw him, the cruelest tormentor, my worst and biggest enemy, Tanai Chiangmai, the leader of one of the seven clans of the most powerful werewolves that ever existed, our family clan, "Moon Shadow" and our territory was at the north and south of Thailand, but since grandfather got sick from power, the pack has been weakened cause there's nothing worse for our specie than a sick alpha.

His power had been wasted and that made him easy prey for other alphas that wanted to come and overpowered him to steal the pack.

In the beginning, he intended that my father led the pack, but my dad has always been a weak alpha and he couldn't bear that responsibility.

When I was born, my dad was incredibly happy, I was a pure-blood alpha, cause my mom descended from a great and antique lineage of werewolves.

Even older than the Chiangmai clan, but her clan was almost extinct, there were only her and her sister left, who had been adopted by our pack.

- You have grown a lot, Ae - I had forgotten how disgusting his voice was.

- On the other side, you look so old grandfather - a glance full of hatred was seen in the eyes of that old and tired alpha.

- I can see that being arrogant suits you Ae.

- Of course, grandfather, it's a characteristic of the family. - a sarcastic smile was shown on his lips.

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