The Power of the Blood

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Since I can recall, I have always had a life full of luxuries and comforts, it would be anyone's dream to be part of my family, although it's challenging to live inside the prestigious and ancient family "Na Chiangmai", which descends from the great kings, according to my father.

We are very different from other families. We have many traditions and an elitist lifestyle. I mean, we don't relate with everyone, cause our lineage is really superior, you can say that we have a noble legacy to preserve and take care of.

We have always lived in Bangkok, but I stayed abroad for studying for three years, and now, I'm back to help my father with the family business if that's what we can call the issue that is trying to tear my family apart.

I had everything very clear from the beginning about what I should do when I arrived here, but, I never imagined I could meet the sweetest, most adorable, and most charming boy ever.

The first time I saw Pete, it was as if a spring breeze hit my heart, it had been so sudden to feel how the world around me changed just by his presence.

I tried to talk to him many times, but, like my surname is well-known in the city, I am always surrounded by a lot of people and I was never alone.

I know it is good that people admire you, but they didn't see me, they just wanted to please the successor of the "Na Chiangmai"

These people weren't interested in my feelings or thoughts, they only wish that my surname gives them comfort and security as if it were the sky above their heads, only Pete was different, his transparent gaze, the sweetness of his soul, everything in him was a complete beauty, tenderness, and calmness.

He was everything I had yearned for and to have him by y side, I was willing to step on my last name and renounce being the successor of my family.

But my mom, thinking, as always, about taking care of the family, decided that it was a great idea to get me a girlfriend from another of the prestigious families in the city.

That's how Julia, an extremely gorgeous blond girl, with blue eyes and an enviable silhouette, arrived and was after me since she met me.

I never showed interest in her, but it seemed that she was obsessed with me and she wanted that we went to Tin's party together, but I refused her, and right now, she was very upset with me.

- How is it possible Zee? We need to get along better because when we get married, our families will become one, and you know how special are our families. I'm sure you don't want that our grandparents to get involved, right? -

"Our grandparents were the most despicable and cruel people among the families, if they got to know that I liked Pete, I'm sure they would tear him apart from me and I'll never be able to see him again."

- Tell me, what do you want me to do then? - I asked with resignation.

- Let's go to the party together and let's have fun there, let everyone see us together, do you agree?-

- Yes - I knew I was going to regret it.

When we were at the party, everybody was observing us and they were saying that we were perfect together, then we started dancing while I was looking for Pete.

Wouldn't he come?

I needed to see him, even though Julia was really beautiful, so attractive that everyone looked at me with jealousy reflected in their eyes, but I could only think about Pete and his radiant smile.

When a slow song sounded, she hugged me tighter and whispered in my ear - kiss me. -

I was frozen in my place, but immediately I realized that inside the party, there was a person sent by my grandfather.

I can't even be alone now, there's always a shadow behind me, so I grasped Julia's waist and I got close to her lips, and I touched them gently and softly, but she took me by my nape and deepened the kiss.

I could taste the flavor of our salivas combined and I could feel how our tongues moved in sync with an erotic and frantic rhythm.

I pulled away from her delicately and the smile that was plastered on her face was from a spoiled girl who always gets what she wants.

Although, I wasn't better than her, cause I loved Pete, but I liked to kiss her.

I needed air, so I went to the terrace and suddenly, Can appeared.

- Zee, you cannot imagine who I found near here, sorry if I was hasty and brought him but I couldn't control my emotions, we haven't seen him for many years and though everything will be difficult, we cannot leave him alone again, we're no longer children, now, we won't allow that the mistakes from the past, might repeat, so come, and look at the gift that I have brought you. - Can took me to the courtyard.

When we arrived there, there was a man with his back facing us, was it a dream?

My heart was beating so fast for the emotions that I was feeling.

-Ae - I said, with the tears that were never allowed to be shed 'cause talking about him in the family was forbidden.

Because everything I could do was to pretend that he had never existed.

But today, he was in front of me, after nine years, which seemed like an eternity.

He turned around and looked at me with his sweet eyes and his smile was just as warm as before.

He ran towards me and hugged me, I couldn't believe it, after so much time, my older brother Ae has returned home...


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